468.573  PARTIES -- NOTICE -- SERVICE.         The board of supervisors of such county or counties wherein the      drainage district is located, shall be notified of the proceeding and      hearing by original notice served in the same manner as in civil      actions; notice of said hearing shall be served upon all owners of      each tract of land or lot within such drainage district, as shown by      the transfer books in the county auditor's office, upon each      lienholder or encumbrancer of any land within the said drainage      district as shown by the county records, and upon all persons holding      claims against said drainage district, as shown by the county      records, and also upon all other persons whom it may concern,      including bondholders and actual occupants of the land within said      drainage district, without naming individuals, by publication      thereof, once each week for two consecutive weeks, in some newspaper      of general circulation in the county or counties where said drainage      district is located, the last of which publications shall be not less      than twenty days prior to the date set for hearing on the said      petition and a copy of such notice shall also be sent by ordinary      mail to the person's last known address unless there is on file an      affidavit of one of the petitioners or the petitioner's attorney      stating that no mailing address is known and that diligent inquiry      has been made to ascertain it.  Such copy of notice shall be mailed      not less than twenty days prior to the date set for hearing.  Proof      of publication and mailing shall be by affidavit and shall be      included in the records of the proceedings.  
         Section History: Early Form
         [C35, § 7714-f5; C39, § 7714.32; C46, 50, 54, 58, 62, 66, 71,      73, 75, 77, 79, 81, § 464.4] 
         Section History: Recent Form
         89 Acts, ch 126, § 2         CS89, § 468.573         Service of original notice, R.C.P. 1.302--1.315