468.567  REPORT AND HEARING -- APPEAL.         At the direction of the governing board of such district, or board      of supervisors, the county auditor of the county within which the      land on which the indebtedness is being adjusted is situated, shall      compile a tabulated report as to the lands within the said district,      setting forth:         1.  The name of the owner of each assessed tract as shown by the      transfer books in the county auditor's office.         2.  The amount of the unpaid old assessments against each of said      tracts.         3.  The amount of the new assessment required to pay the new bonds      to be issued, together with the installments to be paid thereon      annually of principal and interest, and the maximum period of time      over which such assessments shall be paid.         After such report is tabulated and filed, a hearing upon the      contemplated action of the governing body of such district, or board      of supervisors, to make the proposed adjustment, composition, renewal      and refunding in such adjusted amount of its outstanding      indebtedness, together with the issuance of bonds and the levying of      assessments therefor, shall be had in the manner and upon the same      notice as is prescribed in sections 468.543 through 468.545 and      appeal may be made therefrom as provided in this part.  
         Section History: Early Form
         [C35, § 7714-g3; C39, § 7714.28; C46, 50, 54, 58, 62, 66, 71,      73, 75, 77, 79, 81, § 463.28] 
         Section History: Recent Form
         89 Acts, ch 126, § 2         CS89, § 468.567