468.359 - COSTS.

        468.359  COSTS.         1.  The cost of the establishment of such additional pumping plant      or plants shall be paid in the same manner and upon the same basis as      is provided for the cost of the original improvement.         2.  The board of supervisors or the board of trustees, as the case      may be, where the district has been established and the original      improvement constructed, may proceed with the further improvement of      the original project in the manner provided in section 468.126,      provided, however, that the cost of such further improvement does not      exceed twenty-five percent of the sum of the original cost to the      district and the cost of subsequent improvements, including all      federal contributions.         For the purpose of this section the word "improvement" shall      include the construction, reconstruction, enlargement and relocation      of levees and acquisition of rights of way therefor.  
         Section History: Early Form
         [C24, 27, 31, 35, 39, § 7655; C46, 50, 54, 58, 62, 66, 71, 73,      75, 77, 79, 81, § 461.5] 
         Section History: Recent Form
         89 Acts, ch 126, § 2         CS89, § 468.359