468.209  ENTRY OF ORDER -- EFFECT.         If the board, after consideration of the subject matter, including      all objections filed to the adoption of the plan and all claims for      damages, shall find that the district will be benefited by adoption      of the plan or the purposes for which the district was established is      furthered thereby, they shall enter order approving and adopting such      final plan.  Such order shall have the effect of:         1.  Altering the boundaries of the district to conform to the      changes effected by the plan adopted.         2.  Canceling all existing awards for damages for property not      appropriated for right of way or construction and rendered      unnecessary by the plan so adopted.         3.  Canceling all awards previously made for damages other than      for right of way or construction but reinstating the claims for such      damages which said claims may be amended by the claimants within ten      days thereafter.         4.  Canceling all unpaid assessments for benefits on lands      excluded from the district by adoption of the plan.  The assessments      so canceled shall become part of the costs of the improvement.         5.  Establishing as benefited thereby the lands added to the      district by adoption of the plan and rendering same subject to      classification and assessment.         6.  Whenever a plan has been adopted as contemplated by this      section, modification and changes can be made therein without further      notice or hearing, provided the same do not increase or decrease the      estimated cost of the plan to the district by more than twenty-five      percent.  
         Section History: Early Form
         [C50, 54, 58, 62, 66, § 455.209; C71, 73, 75, 77, 79, 81, §      455.210] 
         Section History: Recent Form
         89 Acts, ch 126, § 2         CS89, § 468.209         Referred to in § 468.38, 468.62, 468.184, 468.201