468.188  PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS WHICH DIVIDE A DISTRICT      -- PROCEDURE.         If it should develop that any type of public improvement, other      than the forces of nature, has caused such a change in the district      as to effectively sever and cut off some of the land in the district      from other lands in the district and from the improvements in the      district in such a way as to deprive the land of any further benefits      from the improvement, or in some manner to divide the benefits that      may be derived from two separated portions of the improvement, then      the board of supervisors or the board of trustees in charge may upon      notice to interested parties and hearing as provided by this      subchapter, parts 1 through 5, for the original establishment of a      district make an order to remove lands so deprived of benefits from      the district without any reclassification, or may subdivide the      district into two separate entities if the public improvement splits      the district into two separate units, each of which may still derive      some separate benefits from the separated portions of the district.         If the public improvement is such as to leave two separate      portions of the improvement that are still operable and of benefit to      the land on each side of the division made by the public improvement,      then the board may divide the district into two separate units so      that each may perform further work on the improvements in their      respective parts, but neither shall be charged for work completed on      the opposite side of the new improvement that divides them and may      only be charged for the work done in that portion of the district      remaining on their side of the division.         The same authority provided in this section shall vest in the      board of supervisors or the board of trustees in the event a drainage      district in any manner relinquishes its control over any portion of      its improvements or its obligation to maintain same to another      district and lands may be removed from the district or the district      may be divided as provided in this section.         The board may further in dividing the district award to each of      the separated portions of the district the improvement remaining in      each portion, determine the value of the improvement so remaining on      each side and secondly determine the contributions of the lands in      the separated portions to the improvements and the upkeep of the      earlier district, and if the contribution is proportionate neither      side shall owe the other portion of the district any money, but if      contribution is disproportionate, the board shall determine an      equitable adjustment and the amount of payment required for one      portion to pay to the other to buy the existing improvement.         If land is eliminated from any further benefits, there need not be      any reclassification and the board may remove the same from the      district in the same manner as if the land has been destroyed in      whole by the erosion of a river and spread any deficiency in      assessment among the remaining lands as provided by section 468.49.         "Type of public improvement" for the purpose of this section      includes drainage or levee improvements or new highways.  
         Section History: Early Form
         [C71, 73, 75, 77, 79, 81, § 455.201] 
         Section History: Recent Form
         89 Acts, ch 126, § 2         CS89, § 468.188         Referred to in § 468.92, 468.250, 468.396