468.166  PURCHASE BY BONDHOLDER.         In any event where upon the request of the holder of any bond or      bonds issued by any drainage district the board of supervisors shall      fail, neglect or refuse to purchase the certificate of sale issued by      the county treasurer and referred to in section 468.160 in manner and      form as permitted by said section, the holder of such bond or bonds      may, upon filing with the county auditor a sworn statement as to the      making of such written request upon the board of supervisors and a      recital of the failure of such board to act in the premises by      complying with the provisions of said section, in the same manner and      form purchase such certificate and the ownership thereof shall      thereupon vest in such holder of such bond or bonds in trust for said      drainage district or subdistrict, provided, however, that the holder      shall have a lien upon said certificate and any beneficial interest      arising therefrom for the holder's actual outlays including the      holder's reasonable expenses and attorney's fees, if any, incurred in      the premises.  In the event any such holder of any bond or bonds      shall acquire title the holder shall have a right to lease or convey      said premises, upon giving thirty days' written notice to the board      of supervisors by filing the same with the county auditor and in the      event said board shall not approve said lease or sale, the same shall      be referred to the district court of the county where the land is      situated and there tried and determined in the manner prescribed in      section 468.160.  Any funds realized from the lease or sale of said      land shall be first applied in extinguishing the lien of the holder      of the certificate herein provided for and the balance shall be paid      to the said drainage bond fund of said district.  
         Section History: Early Form
         [C35, § 7590-g1; C39, § 7590.7; C46, 50, 54, 58, 62, 66, 71,      73, 75, 77, 79, 81, § 455.178] 
         Section History: Recent Form
         89 Acts, ch 126, § 2         CS89, § 468.166