468.151  ACTIONS -- SETTLEMENT -- COUNSEL.         Levee or drainage districts through their governing bodies are      authorized to maintain actions in law or equity for the purposes of      preventing or recovering damages that may accrue to such districts on      account of the impairment of their functions, or the increase in the      cost of maintenance or operation of such districts, or on account of      damages to property owned by such districts, resulting from the      construction or operation of locks, dams and pools in the Mississippi      or Missouri rivers; they may make settlements and adjustments of such      damages and written contracts with relation thereto, and receive any      appropriations that may be made by the Congress of the United States      for the increased cost to drainage or levee districts and may agree      to the construction and maintenance of present equipment and of new      or remedial works, improvements and equipment as a part of such      damages, or as a means of lessening the damages which will be      suffered by the said districts.  Said districts are further      authorized to employ legal and engineering counsel for such purposes      and to pay for the same out of the award of damages or out of the      maintenance funds of the district.         If a lump sum settlement is made between the United States and the      district to provide an annual payment of income therefrom, the county      treasurer of the county in which the greater portion of the district      is situated shall be custodian of such principal fund.  The governing      body of the district shall apply to the district court for authority      to invest said fund as provided by section 636.23, in addition to the      investments therein approved the court may authorize investment of      said fund in interest-bearing bonds or warrants of said district.      The income from said fund shall be disbursed by direction of the      governing body of the district.  
         Section History: Early Form
         [C39, § 7581.1; C46, 50, 54, 58, 62, 66, 71, 73, 75, 77, 79,      81, § 455.162] 
         Section History: Recent Form
         89 Acts, ch 126, § 2         CS89, § 468.151