468.149  OBSTRUCTING OR DAMAGING.         Any person or persons willfully diverting, obstructing, impeding,      or filling up, without legal authority, any ditch, drain, or      watercourse or breaking down or injuring any levee or the bank of any      settling basin, established, constructed, and maintained under any      provision of law, or obstructing, or engaging in travel or      agricultural practices upon the improvement or rights of way of a      levee or drainage district which the governing body thereof has, by      resolution, determined to be injurious to such improvement or to      interfere with its proper preservation, operation or maintenance, and      has prohibited, shall be deemed guilty of a serious misdemeanor and      any such unlawful act as above described is hereby declared to be a      nuisance and may be abated as such.         Said governing body shall also have the power to repair any ditch,      drain or watercourse, or any levee or bank of any settling basin      damaged by any person or persons in violation of the resolution of      said governing body, after three days' notice to such person or      persons to make such repair, in the event that there is a failure to      do so, and the expense thereof shall be assessed to such person or      persons and shall be certified and collected as other taxes.  
         Section History: Early Form
         [C24, 27, 31, 35, 39, § 7580; C46, 50, 54, 58, 62, 66, 71, 73,      75, 77, 79, 81, § 455.160] 
         Section History: Recent Form
         89 Acts, ch 126, § 2         CS89, § 468.149         Nuisances in general, chapter 657