468.12 - REPORT.

        468.12  REPORT.         The engineer shall make full written report to the county auditor,      setting forth:         1.  The starting point, route, and terminus of each ditch, drain,      and levee and the character and location of all other improvements.         2.  A plat and profile, showing all ditches, drains, levees,      settling basins, and other improvements, the course, length, and      depth of each ditch, the length, size, and depth of each drain, and      the length, width, and height of each levee, through each tract of      land, and the particular descriptions and acreage of the land      required from each forty-acre tract or fraction thereof as right of      way, or for settling basin or basins, together with the congressional      or other description of each tract and the names of the owners      thereof as shown by the transfer books in the office of the auditor.      Said plat shall describe the width of the right of way to be taken      from each forty-acre tract or fraction thereof.         3.  The boundary of the proposed district, including therein by      color or other designation other lands that will be benefited or      otherwise affected by the proposed improvements, together with the      location, size, and elevation of all lakes, ponds, and deep      depressions therein.         4.  Plans for the most practicable and economic place and method      for passing machinery, equipment, and material required in the      construction of said improvements across any highways, railroads, and      other utilities within the proposed district.         5.  The probable cost of the proposed improvements, together with      such other facts and recommendations as the engineer shall deem      material.         Where the proposed district contemplates as its object flood      control or soil conservance the engineer shall include in the report      data describing any soil conservance or flood control improvements,      the nature of the improvements, and other data as prescribed by the      department of natural resources.  
         Section History: Early Form
         [S13, § 1989-a2; C24, 27, 31, 35, 39, § 7438; C46, 50, 54, 58,      62, 66, 71, 73, 75, 77, 79, 81, § 455.18; 82 Acts, ch 1199, § 70, 96]      
         Section History: Recent Form
         89 Acts, ch 126, § 2         CS89, §468.12         Referred to in § 468.13, 468.22, 468.27, 468.339