462A.83  SECURITY INTEREST IN VESSELS -- EXEMPTIONS.         This division does not apply to or affect any of the following:         1.  A lien given by statute or rule of law to a supplier of      services or materials for a vessel.         2.  A lien given by statute to the United States, this state, or      any political subdivision of this state.         3.  A security interest in a vessel created by a manufacturer or      dealer who holds the vessel for sale, but a buyer in the ordinary      course of trade from the manufacturer or dealer takes free of the      security interest.         4.  A lien arising out of an attachment of a vessel.         5.  A security interest claimed on proceeds if the original      security interest did not have to be noted on the certificate of      title in order to be perfected.         6.  A vessel for which a certificate of title is not required      under this chapter.         7.  A security interest perfected under chapter 554 before January      1, 1988.  
         Section History: Recent Form
         87 Acts, ch 134, § 10         CS87, § 106.83         C93, § 462A.83