460.207  REIMBURSEMENT OF EXPENSES.         The expenses incurred by a county in carrying out this subchapter      shall be prorated among the landowners in the county who own land on      which an agricultural drainage well is located.  The amount shall be      placed upon the tax books, and collected with interest and penalties      after due, in the same manner as other unpaid property taxes.  If      expenses are incurred by a drainage district, the board shall levy an      assessment on the lands in the district where an agricultural      drainage well is located as provided in section 468.50.  
         Section History: Recent Form
         97 Acts, ch 193, §10         CS97, §455I.7         2002 Acts, ch 1137, §68, 71; 2002 Acts, 2nd Ex, ch 1003, §260, 262         C2003, §460.207