455B.473  REPORT OF EXISTING AND NEW TANKS -- FEE.         1.  Except as provided in subsection 2, the owner or operator of      an underground storage tank existing on or before July 1, 1985, shall      notify the department in writing by May 1, 1986, of the existence of      each tank and specify the age, size, type, location and uses of the      tank.         2.  The owner of an underground storage tank taken out of      operation between January 1, 1974 and July 1, 1985, shall notify the      department in writing by July 1, 1986, of the existence of the tank      unless the owner knows the tank has been removed from the ground.      The notice shall specify to the extent known to the owner, the date      the tank was taken out of operation, the age of the tank on the date      taken out of operation, the size, type and location of the tank, and      the type and quantity of substances left stored in the tank on the      date that it was taken out of operation.         3.  An owner or operator which brings into use an underground      storage tank after July 1, 1985, shall notify the department in      writing within thirty days of the existence of the tank and specify      the age, size, type, location and uses of the tank.         4.  An owner or operator of a storage tank described in section      455B.471, subsection 11, paragraph "a", which brings the tank      into use after July 1, 1987, shall notify the department of the      existence of the tank within thirty days.  The registration of the      tank shall be accompanied by a fee of ten dollars to be deposited in      the storage tank management account.  A tank which is existing before      July 1, 1987, shall be reported to the department by July 1, 1989.      Tanks under this section installed on or following July 1, 1987,      shall comply with underground storage tank regulations adopted by      rule by the department.         5.  The notice of the owner or operator to the department under      subsections 1 through 3 shall be accompanied by a fee of ten dollars      for each tank included in the notice.  All moneys collected shall be      deposited in the storage tank management account of the groundwater      protection fund created in section 455E.11.  All moneys collected      pursuant to this section prior to July 1, 1987, which have not been      expended, shall be deposited in the storage tank management account.         6.  Subsections 1 to 3 do not apply to an underground storage tank      for which notice was given pursuant to section 103, subsection c, of      the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and      Liabilities Act of 1980.         7.  A person who sells, installs, modifies, or repairs a tank used      or intended to be used as an underground storage tank shall notify      the purchaser and the owner or operator of the tank in writing of the      owner's notification requirements pursuant to this section including      the prohibition on depositing a regulated substance into tanks which      have not been registered and issued tags by the department.  A person      who installs an underground storage tank and the owner or operator of      the underground storage tank shall, prior to installing an      underground storage tank, notify the department in writing regarding      the intent to install a tank.         8.  It shall be unlawful to deposit or accept a regulated      substance in an underground storage tank which has not been      registered and issued permanent and annual tank management fee      renewal tags pursuant to subsections 1 through 6.  A person shall not      deposit a regulated substance in an underground storage tank after      receiving notice from the department that the underground storage      tank is not covered by an approved form of financial responsibility      in accordance with section 455B.474, subsection 2.         The department shall furnish the owner or operator of an      underground storage tank with a registration tag for each underground      storage tank registered with the department.  The owner or operator      shall affix the tag to the fill pipe of each registered underground      storage tank.  If an owner or operator fails to register or obtain      annual renewal tags for the underground storage tank, the owner or      operator shall pay an additional fee of two hundred fifty dollars      upon registration of the tank.  A fee imposed pursuant to this      subsection shall not preclude the department from assessing an      administrative penalty pursuant to section 455B.476.         9.  The department may deny issuance of a registration or annual      tank management fee renewal tag for failure of the owner or operator      to provide proof the underground storage tank is covered by an      approved form of financial responsibility as provided in section      455B.474, subsection 2.  
         Section History: Recent Form
         85 Acts, ch 162, § 3; 87 Acts, ch 225, § 604, 605; 2001 Acts, ch      51, § 1, 2; 2002 Acts, ch 1119, §60         Referred to in § 455B.473A, 455B.474, 455B.477, 455E.11