455B.442  DEFINITIONS.         As used in this part 6 of division IV unless the context otherwise      requires:         1.  "Construct" means significant alteration of a site to      install permanent equipment or structures but does not include      activities incident to preliminary engineering, environmental      studies, or acquisition of a site for a facility.  "Construct"      includes alteration to existing structures or a land disposal      facility to initially accommodate hazardous waste but does not      include any alteration to increase the capacity or change the ability      to accommodate hazardous waste.  However, any alteration to increase      or change the ability to accommodate hazardous waste is subject to      section 455B.413.         2. a.  "Facility" means land and structures, other      appurtenances, and improvements on the land used for the treatment,      storage, or disposal of a hazardous waste required to have a permit      under section 455B.415.         b.  "Facility" does not include land, structures, other      appurtenances and improvements contiguous to the source of generation      and owned and operated by and exclusively for the treatment, storage,      or disposal of hazardous waste of the generator.         c.  As used in this subsection property is contiguous if it is      divided only by a public or private way.         3.  "Hazardous waste" means a hazardous waste as defined in      section 455B.411, subsection 3, and listed under section 455B.412,      subsection 1.         4.  "Regulatory agency" means a state or local agency that      issues a license or permit required for the construction, operation,      or maintenance of a facility pursuant to state statute or rule or      local ordinance or resolution in effect on the date the application      for a site license is submitted to the commission.  
         Section History: Early Form
         [81 Acts, ch 152, § 2] 
         Section History: Recent Form
         83 Acts, ch 101, § 96, 97; 83 Acts, ch 137, § 24, 25         Referred to in § 455B.461