This section may be cited as the "Iowa Fair Information
      Practices Act".  It is the intent of this section to require that
      the information policies of state agencies are clearly defined and
      subject to public review and comment.
         1.  Each state agency as defined in chapter 17A shall adopt rules
      which provide the following:
         a.  The nature and extent of the personally identifiable
      information collected by the agency, the legal authority for the
      collection of that information, and a description of the means of
         b.  A description of which of its records are public records,
      which are confidential records, and which are partially public and
      partially confidential records and the legal authority for the
      confidentiality of the records.  The description shall indicate
      whether the records contain personally identifiable information.
         c.  The procedure for providing the public with access to
      public records.
         d.  The procedures for allowing a person to review a
      government record about that person and have additions, dissents, or
      objections entered in that record unless the review is prohibited by
         e.  The procedures by which the subject of a confidential
      record may have a copy of that record released to a named third
         f.  The procedures by which the agency shall notify persons
      supplying information requested by the agency of the use that will be
      made of the information, which persons outside of the agency might
      routinely be provided this information, which parts of the
      information requested are required and which are optional and the
      consequences of failing to provide the information requested.
         g.  Whether a data processing system matches, collates, or
      permits the comparison of personally identifiable information in one
      record system with personally identifiable information in another
      record system.
         2.  A state agency shall not use any personally identifiable
      information after July 1, 1988, unless it is in a record system
      described by the rules required by this section.  
         Section History: Recent Form
         84 Acts, ch 1185, § 10
         Referred to in § 22.12