22.10  CIVIL ENFORCEMENT.
         1.  The rights and remedies provided by this section are in
      addition to any rights and remedies provided by section 17A.19.  Any
      aggrieved person, any taxpayer to or citizen of the state of Iowa, or
      the attorney general or any county attorney, may seek judicial
      enforcement of the requirements of this chapter in an action brought
      against the lawful custodian and any other persons who would be
      appropriate defendants under the circumstances.  Suits to enforce
      this chapter shall be brought in the district court for the county in
      which the lawful custodian has its principal place of business.
         2.  Once a party seeking judicial enforcement of this chapter
      demonstrates to the court that the defendant is subject to the
      requirements of this chapter, that the records in question are
      government records, and that the defendant refused to make those
      government records available for examination and copying by the
      plaintiff, the burden of going forward shall be on the defendant to
      demonstrate compliance with the requirements of this chapter.
         3.  Upon a finding by a preponderance of the evidence that a
      lawful custodian has violated any provision of this chapter, a court:

         a.  Shall issue an injunction punishable by civil contempt
      ordering the offending lawful custodian and other appropriate persons
      to comply with the requirements of this chapter in the case before it
      and, if appropriate, may order the lawful custodian and other
      appropriate persons to refrain for one year from any future
      violations of this chapter.
         b.  Shall assess the persons who participated in its violation
      damages in the amount of not more than five hundred dollars nor less
      than one hundred dollars.  These damages shall be paid by the court
      imposing them to the state of Iowa if the body in question is a state
      government body, or to the local government involved if the body in
      question is a local government body.  A person found to have violated
      this chapter shall not be assessed such damages if that person proves
      that the person either voted against the action violating this
      chapter, refused to participate in the action violating this chapter,
      or engaged in reasonable efforts under the circumstances to resist or
      prevent the action in violation of this chapter; had good reason to
      believe and in good faith believed facts which, if true, would have
      indicated compliance with the requirements of this chapter; or
      reasonably relied upon a decision of a court or an opinion of the
      attorney general or the attorney for the government body.
         c.  Shall order the payment of all costs and reasonable
      attorney fees, including appellate attorney fees, to any plaintiff
      successfully establishing a violation of this chapter in the action
      brought under this section.  The costs and fees shall be paid by the
      particular persons who were assessed damages under paragraph "b"
      of this subsection.  If no such persons exist because they have a
      lawful defense under that paragraph to the imposition of such
      damages, the costs and fees shall be paid to the successful plaintiff
      from the budget of the offending government body or its parent.
         d.  Shall issue an order removing a person from office if that
      person has engaged in a prior violation of this chapter for which
      damages were assessed against the person during the person's term.
         4.  Ignorance of the legal requirements of this chapter is not a
      defense to an enforcement proceeding brought under this section.  A
      lawful custodian or its designee in doubt about the legality of
      allowing the examination or copying or refusing to allow the
      examination or copying of a government record is authorized to bring
      suit at the expense of that government body in the district court of
      the county of the lawful custodian's principal place of business, or
      to seek an opinion of the attorney general or the attorney for the
      lawful custodian, to ascertain the legality of any such action.
         5.  Judicial enforcement under this section does not preclude a
      criminal prosecution under section 22.6 or any other applicable
      criminal provision.  
         Section History: Recent Form
         84 Acts, ch 1185, § 9; 2005 Acts, ch 99, §2