1.  A governmental body may conduct a meeting by electronic means
      only in circumstances where such a meeting in person is impossible or
      impractical and only if the governmental body complies with all of
      the following:
         a.  The governmental body provides public access to the
      conversation of the meeting to the extent reasonably possible.
         b.  The governmental body complies with section 21.4.  For the
      purpose of this paragraph, the place of the meeting is the place from
      which the communication originates or where public access is provided
      to the conversation.
         c.  Minutes are kept of the meeting.  The minutes shall
      include a statement explaining why a meeting in person was impossible
      or impractical.
         2.  A meeting conducted in compliance with this section shall not
      be considered in violation of this chapter.
         3.  A meeting by electronic means may be conducted without
      complying with paragraph "a" of subsection 1 if conducted in
      accordance with all of the requirements for a closed session
      contained in section 21.5.  
         Section History: Early Form
         [C79, 81, § 28A.8] 
         Section History: Recent Form
         C85, § 21.8
         2007 Acts, ch 22, §11