21.4  PUBLIC NOTICE.
         1.  A governmental body, except township trustees, shall give
      notice of the time, date, and place of each meeting, and its
      tentative agenda, in a manner reasonably calculated to apprise the
      public of that information.  Reasonable notice shall include advising
      the news media who have filed a request for notice with the
      governmental body and posting the notice on a bulletin board or other
      prominent place which is easily accessible to the public and clearly
      designated for that purpose at the principal office of the body
      holding the meeting, or if no such office exists, at the building in
      which the meeting is to be held.
         2. a.  Notice conforming with all of the requirements of
      subsection 1 of this section shall be given at least twenty-four
      hours prior to the commencement of any meeting of a governmental body
      unless for good cause such notice is impossible or impractical, in
      which case as much notice as is reasonably possible shall be given.
      Each meeting shall be held at a place reasonably accessible to the
      public, and at a time reasonably convenient to the public, unless for
      good cause such a place or time is impossible or impractical.
      Special access to the meeting may be granted to persons with
         b.  When it is necessary to hold a meeting on less than
      twenty-four hours' notice, or at a place that is not reasonably
      accessible to the public, or at a time that is not reasonably
      convenient to the public, the nature of the good cause justifying
      that departure from the normal requirements shall be stated in the
         3.  A formally constituted subunit of a parent governmental body
      may conduct a meeting without notice as required by this section
      during a lawful meeting of the parent governmental body, a recess in
      that meeting, or immediately following that meeting, if the meeting
      of the subunit is publicly announced at the parent meeting and the
      subject of the meeting reasonably coincides with the subjects
      discussed or acted upon by the parent governmental body.
         4.  If another section of the Code requires a manner of giving
      specific notice of a meeting, hearing, or an intent to take action by
      a governmental body, compliance with that section shall constitute
      compliance with the notice requirements of this section.  
         Section History: Early Form
         [C71, 73, 75, 77, 79, 81, § 28A.4] 
         Section History: Recent Form
         C85, § 21.4
         96 Acts, ch 1129, § 113; 2008 Acts, ch 1032, §201
         Referred to in § 21.3, 21.8, 35C.1, 275.15, 282.11