15H.1  FINDINGS.
         The general assembly finds:
         1.  There is a compelling need for more civic participation to
      solve community and state problems, and to address many of the
      country's unmet social, environmental, educational, and public safety
         2.  Promoting the capability of Iowa's people, communities, and
      enterprises to work collaboratively is vital to the long-term
      prosperity of this state.
         3.  Building and encouraging community services and volunteerism
      is an integral part of the state's future well-being, and requires
      cooperative efforts by the public and private sectors.
         4.  The development of a volunteer service program in Iowa
      requires an administrative vehicle which conforms with federal
      guidelines detailed in the federal National and Community Service
      Trust Act of 1993.  
         Section History: Recent Form
         2005 Acts, ch 42, §1