1.  A nonresident alien, foreign business or foreign government,
      or an agent, trustee or fiduciary thereof, shall not purchase or
      otherwise acquire agricultural land in this state.  A nonresident
      alien, foreign business or foreign government, or an agent, trustee
      or fiduciary thereof, which owns or holds agricultural land in this
      state on January 1, 1980, may continue to own or hold the land, but
      shall not purchase or otherwise acquire additional agricultural land
      in this state.
         2.  A person who acquires agricultural land in violation of this
      chapter or who fails to convert the land to the purpose other than
      farming within five years, as provided for in this chapter, remains
      in violation of this chapter for as long as the person holds an
      interest in the land.
         3.  The restriction set forth in subsection 1 of this section does
      not apply to the following:
         a.  Agricultural land acquired by devise or descent.
         b.  A bona fide encumbrance on agricultural land taken for
      purposes of security.
         c.  Agricultural land acquired by a process of law in the
      collection of debts, by a deed in lieu of foreclosure, pursuant to a
      forfeiture of a contract for deed, or by any procedure for the
      enforcement of a lien or claim on the land, whether created by
      mortgage or otherwise.  However, agricultural land so acquired shall
      be sold or otherwise disposed of within two years after title is
      transferred.  Pending the sale or disposition, the land shall not be
      used for any purpose other than farming, and the land shall not be
      used for farming except under lease to an individual, trust,
      corporation, partnership or other business entity not subject to the
      restriction on the increase in agricultural land holdings imposed by
      section 9H.4.  Agricultural land which has been acquired pursuant to
      this paragraph shall not be acquired or utilized by the nonresident
      alien, foreign business, or foreign government, or an agent, trustee,
      or fiduciary thereof, under either paragraph "d" or paragraph
         d.  Agricultural land acquired for research or experimental
      purposes.  Agricultural land is used for research or experimental
      purposes if any of the following apply:
         (1)  Research and experimental activities are undertaken on the
      agricultural land and commercial sales of products produced from
      farming the agricultural land do not occur or are incidental to the
      research or experimental purposes of the corporation.  Commercial
      sales are incidental to the research or experimental purposes of the
      corporation when such sales are less than twenty-five percent of the
      gross sales of the primary product of the research.
         (2)  The agricultural land is used for the primary purpose of
      testing, developing, or producing seeds or plants for sale or resale
      to farmers as seed stock.  Grain which is not sold as seed stock is
      an incidental sale and must be less than twenty-five percent of the
      gross sales of the primary product of the research and experimental
         (3)  Until July 1, 2001, the agricultural land is used for the
      primary purpose of testing, developing, or producing animals for sale
      or resale to farmers as breeding stock.  However, after July 1, 1989,
      to qualify under this paragraph, the following conditions must be
         (a)  The nonresident alien, foreign business, or foreign
      government or an agent, trustee, or fiduciary of the alien, business,
      or government must not hold the agricultural land other than as a
      lessee.  The term of the lease must be for not more than twelve
      years.  A lessee shall not renew a lease entered into under this
      subparagraph (3).  The lessee shall not enter into a lease under this
      paragraph, if another lease under this paragraph has been entered
      into by the lessee.
         (b)  A term or condition of sale, including resale, of seed stock
      or breeding stock must not relate to the direct or indirect control
      by the lessee of the breeding stock or breeding stock progeny
      subsequent to the sale.
         (c)  The number of acres of agricultural land held by the lessee
      must not exceed six hundred forty acres.
         (d)  The lessee must deliver a copy of the lease to the secretary
      of state.  The secretary of state shall notify the lessee of receipt
      of the copy of the lease.
         (4)  Culls and test animals may be sold under subparagraph (3).
      For a three-year period beginning on the date that the lease takes
      effect, the gross sales for any year shall not be greater than five
      hundred thousand dollars.  After the three- year period ends, the
      gross sales for any year shall not be greater than twenty-five
      percent of the gross sales for that year of the breeding stock, or
      five hundred thousand dollars, whichever is less.  As used in
      subparagraph (3), "lessee" means a nonresident alien, foreign
      business, or foreign government, or an agent, trustee, or fiduciary
      acting on behalf of the nonresident alien, foreign business, or
      foreign government, or any other trade or business which is under the
      lessee's common control as provided in 26 U.S.C. § 414.
         (5)  Effective July 1, 2001, subparagraph (3) shall not be
      effective.  However, a lessee may continue for the duration of the
      period of the lease to lease the agricultural land under subparagraph
      (3) if the lease was entered into prior to July 1, 2001.
         (6)  Effective July 1, 2001, a nonresident alien, foreign
      business, or foreign government or an agent, trustee, or fiduciary of
      the alien, business, or government shall not, except as provided in
      subparagraph (5), acquire or hold agricultural land used for the
      primary purpose of testing, developing, or producing animals.
         e.  An interest in agricultural land, not to exceed three
      hundred twenty acres, acquired for an immediate or pending use other
      than farming.  However, a nonresident alien, foreign business or
      foreign government, or an agent, trustee or fiduciary thereof, who
      lawfully owns over three hundred twenty acres on January 1, 1980, may
      continue to own or hold the land, but shall not purchase or otherwise
      acquire additional agricultural land in this state except by devise
      or descent from a nonresident alien.  Pending the development of the
      agricultural land for purpose other than farming, the land shall not
      be used for farming except under lease to an individual, trust,
      corporation, partnership or other business entity not subject to the
      restriction on the increase in agricultural land holdings imposed by
      section 9H.4.
         4.  A nonresident alien, foreign business or foreign government,
      or an agent, trustee or fiduciary thereof shall not transfer title to
      or interest in agricultural land to a nonresident alien, foreign
      business or foreign government, or an agent, trustee or fiduciary
      thereof except by devise or descent.  
         Section History: Early Form
         [C73, § 1908; C97, § 2889; C24, 27, 31, 35, 39, § 10214; C46,
      50, 54, 58, 62, 66, 71, 73, 75, 77, 79, § 567.1; C81, § 567.3] 
         Section History: Recent Form
         86 Acts, ch 1214, § 9; 89 Acts, ch 311, §31, 33; 2002 Acts, ch
      1095, §10
         C2003, §9I.3
         Referred to in § 9I.4, 9I.8, 9I.9, 10.3, 10.5, 10.7, 10.10, 15A.9
         Subsection 3, paragraph d, subparagraph (5), stricken effective
      July 1, 2013; 89 Acts, ch 311, §33