8A.513  CLAIMS -- APPROVAL.
         The director before approving a claim on behalf of the department
      shall determine:
         1.  That the creation of the claim is clearly authorized by law.
      Statutes authorizing the expenditure may be referenced through
      account coding authorized by the director.
         2.  That the claim has been authorized by an officer or official
      body having legal authority to so authorize and that the fact of
      authorization has been certified to the director by such officer or
      official body.
         3.  That all legal requirements have been observed, including
      notice and opportunity for competition, if required by law.
         4.  That the claim is in proper form as the director may provide.

         5.  That the charges are reasonable, proper, and correct and no
      part of the claim has been paid.  
         Section History: Recent Form
         2003 Acts, ch 145, §95