1.  A separate, special Iowa state health insurance administration
      fund is created in the state treasury under the control of the
      department.  The fund shall consist of all moneys deposited in the
      fund from proceeds of a monthly per contract administrative charge
      assessed and collected by the department.  Moneys deposited in the
      fund shall be expended by the department for health insurance program
      administration costs.  Notwithstanding section 12C.7, subsection 2,
      interest or earnings on moneys deposited in the fund shall be
      credited to the fund.
         2.  A monthly per contract administrative charge shall be assessed
      by the department on all health insurance plans administered by the
      department in which the contract holder has a state employer to pay
      the charge.  The amount of the administrative charge shall be
      established by the general assembly.  The department shall collect
      the administrative charge from each department utilizing the
      centralized payroll system and shall deposit the proceeds in the
      fund.  In addition, the state board of regents, all library service
      areas, the state fair board, the state department of transportation,
      and each judicial district department of correctional services shall
      remit the administrative charge on a monthly basis to the department
      and shall submit a report to the department containing the number and
      type of health insurance contracts held by each of its employees
      whose health insurance is administered by the department.
         3.  The expenditure of moneys from the fund in any fiscal year
      shall not exceed the amount of the monthly charge established by the
      general assembly multiplied by the number of health insurance
      contracts in effect at the beginning of the same fiscal year in which
      the expenditures shall be made.  Any unencumbered or unobligated
      moneys in the fund at the end of the fiscal year shall not revert but
      shall be transferred to the health insurance premium reserve fund
      established pursuant to section 509A.5.
         4.  This section is repealed July 1, 2010.  
         Section History: Recent Form
         2003 Acts, ch 145, §79; 2007 Acts, ch 115, §9, 18; 2009 Acts, ch
      181, §34, 36