1.  A person shall not make any false statement, certificate,
      mark, rating, or report with regard to any examination or appointment
      made under this subchapter or in any manner commit or attempt to
      commit any fraud preventing the impartial execution of this
      subchapter and the rules adopted pursuant to this subchapter.
         2.  A person shall not, directly or indirectly, give, render, pay,
      offer, solicit, or accept any money, service, or other valuable
      consideration for or on account of any appointment, proposed
      appointment, promotion, or proposed promotion to, or any advantage
      in, a position in the merit system.
         3.  An employee of the department or any other person shall not
      defeat, deceive, or obstruct any person in the person's right to
      examination or appointment under this subchapter, or furnish to any
      person any special or secret information for the purpose of affecting
      the rights or prospects of any person with respect to employment in
      the merit system.
         4.  A person shall not discharge an employee from or take or fail
      to take action regarding an employee's appointment or proposed
      appointment to, promotion or proposed promotion to, or any advantage
      in, a position in a merit system administered by, or subject to
      approval of, the director as a reprisal for a failure by that
      employee to inform the person that the employee made a disclosure of
      information permitted by this section, or for a disclosure of any
      information by that employee to a member or employee of the general
      assembly, or for a disclosure of information to any other public
      official or law enforcement agency if the employee reasonably
      believes the information evidences a violation of law or rule,
      mismanagement, a gross abuse of funds, an abuse of authority, or a
      substantial and specific danger to public health or safety.  However,
      an employee may be required to inform the person that the employee
      made a disclosure of information permitted by this section if the
      employee represented that the disclosure was the official position of
      the employee's immediate supervisor or employer.  This subsection
      does not apply if the disclosure of the information is prohibited by
         Section History: Recent Form
         2003 Acts, ch 145, §65
         Referred to in § 8A.418