1.  The director shall establish, publish, and enforce rules
      regulating, restricting, or prohibiting the use by state officials,
      state employees, and the public, of motor vehicle parking facilities
      at the state capitol complex and at the state laboratories facility
      in Ankeny.  The assignment of legislative parking spaces shall be
      under the control of the legislative council.  The rules established
      by the director may establish fines for violations and a procedure
      for payment of the fines.  The director may order payment of a fine
      and enforce the order in the district court.
         2.  Motor vehicles parked in violation of the rules may be removed
      without the owner's or operator's consent and at the owner's or
      operator's expense.  Motor vehicles removed and not claimed within
      thirty days of their removal or vehicles abandoned within the capitol
      grounds may be disposed of in accordance with the provisions of
      sections 321.85 through 321.91.
         3.  The parking rules established shall be posted in conspicuous
      places at the capitol complex and at the state laboratories facility
      in Ankeny, as applicable.  Copies of the rules shall be made
      available to all state officials and employees and any other person
      who requests a copy of the rules.
         4.  Except as provided in subsection 5, all fines collected by the
      department shall be forwarded to the treasurer of state and deposited
      in the general fund of the state.
         5.  Any fine that remains unpaid upon becoming delinquent may be
      collected by the department pursuant to the setoff procedures
      provided for in section 8A.504.  For purposes of this subsection, a
      fine becomes delinquent if it has not been paid within thirty days of
      the date of the issuance of the parking citation, unless a written
      request for a hearing is filed as provided pursuant to the rules of
      the department.  If an appeal is filed and the citation is upheld,
      the fine becomes delinquent ten days after the issuance of the final
      decision on the appeal or thirty-one days after the date of the
      issuance of the parking citation, whichever is later.  
         Section History: Recent Form
         2003 Acts, ch 145, §38; 2005 Acts, ch 52, §4, 5