In managing the physical resources of government, the director
      shall perform all of the following duties:
         1.  Provide for supervision over the custodians and other
      employees of the department in and about the state laboratories
      facility in Ankeny and in and about the capitol and other state
      buildings at the seat of government, except the buildings and grounds
      referred to in section 216B.3, subsection 6.
         2.  Institute, in the name of the state, and with the advice and
      consent of the attorney general, civil and criminal proceedings
      against any person for injury or threatened injury to any public
      property, including but not limited to intangible and intellectual
      property, under the person's control.
         3.  Under the direction of the governor, provide, furnish, and pay
      for public utilities service, heat, maintenance, minor repairs, and
      equipment in operating and maintaining the official residence of the
      governor of Iowa.
         4.  Contract, with the approval of the executive council, for the
      repair, remodeling, or, if the condition warrants, demolition of all
      buildings and grounds of the state at the seat of government, at the
      state laboratories facility in Ankeny, and the institutions of the
      department of human services and the department of corrections for
      which no specific appropriation has been made, if the cost of repair,
      remodeling, or demolition will not exceed one hundred thousand
      dollars when completed.  The cost of repair projects for which no
      specific appropriation has been made shall be paid from the fund
      provided in section 7D.29.
         5.  Dispose of all personal property of the state under the
      director's control as provided by section 8A.324 when it becomes
      unnecessary or unfit for further use by the state.  If the director
      concludes that the personal property is contaminated, contains
      hazardous waste, or is hazardous waste, the director may charge the
      state agency responsible for the property for removal and disposal of
      the personal property.  The director shall adopt rules establishing
      the procedures for inspecting, selecting, and removing personal
      property from state agencies or from state storage.
         6. a.  Lease all buildings and office space necessary to carry
      out the provisions of this subchapter or necessary for the proper
      functioning of any state agency at the seat of government.  For state
      agencies at the seat of government, the director may lease buildings
      and office space in Polk county or in a county contiguous to Polk
      county.  If no specific appropriation has been made, the proposed
      lease shall be submitted to the executive council for approval.  The
      cost of any lease for which no specific appropriation has been made
      shall be paid from the fund provided in section 7D.29.
         b.  When the general assembly is not in session, the director
      may request moneys from the executive council for moving state
      agencies located at the seat of government from one location to
      another.  The request may include moving costs, telecommunications
      costs, repair costs, or any other costs relating to the move.  The
      executive council may approve and shall pay the costs from funds
      provided in section 7D.29 if it determines the agency or department
      has no available funds for these expenses.
         c.  Coordinate the leasing of buildings and office space by
      state agencies throughout the state and develop cooperative
      relationships with the state board of regents in order to promote the
      colocation of state agencies.
         7.  Unless otherwise provided by law, coordinate the location,
      design, plans and specifications, construction, and ultimate use of
      the real or personal property to be purchased by a state agency for
      whose benefit and use the property is being obtained.
         a.  If the purchase of real or personal property is to be
      financed pursuant to section 12.28, the department shall cooperate
      with the treasurer of state in providing the information necessary to
      complete the financing of the property.
         b.  A contract for acquisition, construction, erection,
      demolition, alteration, or repair by a private person of real or
      personal property to be lease-purchased by the treasurer of state
      pursuant to section 12.28 is exempt from section 8A.311, subsections
      1 and 11, unless the lease-purchase contract is funded in advance by
      a deposit of the lessor's moneys to be administered by the treasurer
      of state under a lease-purchase contract which requires rent payments
      to commence upon delivery of the lessor's moneys to the lessee.
         8.  With the authorization of a constitutional majority of each
      house of the general assembly and approval by the governor, dispose
      of real property belonging to the state and its state agencies upon
      terms, conditions, and consideration as the director may recommend.
      If real property subject to sale under this subsection has been
      purchased or acquired from appropriated funds, the proceeds of the
      sale shall be deposited with the treasurer of state and credited to
      the general fund of the state or other fund from which appropriated.
      There is appropriated from that same fund, with the prior approval of
      the executive council and in cooperation with the director, a sum
      equal to the proceeds so deposited and credited to the state agency
      to which the disposed real property belonged or by which it was used,
      for purposes of the state agency.
         9. a.  With the approval of the executive council pursuant to
      section 7D.29 or pursuant to other authority granted by law, acquire
      real property to be held by the department in the name of the state
      as follows:
         (1)  By purchase, lease, option, gift, grant, bequest, devise, or
         (2)  By exchange of real property belonging to the state for
      property belonging to another person.
         b.  If real property acquired by the department in the name of
      the state is subject to a lease in effect at the time of acquisition,
      the director may honor and maintain the existing lease subject to the
      following requirements:
         (1)  The lease shall not be renewed beyond the term of the
      existing lease including any renewal periods under the lease that are
      solely at the discretion of the lessee.
         (2)  The lease shall not be renewed by the department as the
      lessor if the lessor has discretion to not renew under the existing
         (3)  The lease shall not be maintained for a period in excess of
      ten years from the date of acquisition of the real property,
      including any renewal periods, without the approval of the executive
         (4)  The lease shall not be maintained if the lessee at the time
      of the acquisition ceases to occupy the leased property.
         10.  Subject to the selection procedures of section 12.30, employ
      financial consultants, banks, insurers, underwriters, accountants,
      attorneys, and other advisors or consultants necessary to implement
      the provisions of subsection 7.
         11.  Prepare annual status reports for all capital projects in
      progress of the department, and submit the status reports to the
      legislative services agency and the department of management on or
      before January 15 of each year.
         12.  In carrying out the requirements of section 64.6, purchase an
      individual or a blanket surety bond insuring the fidelity of state
      officers.  The department may self-assume or self-insure fidelity
      exposures for state officials and employees.  A state official is
      deemed to have furnished surety if the official has been covered by a
      program of insurance or self-insurance established by the department.
      To the extent possible, all bonded state employees shall be covered
      under one or more blanket bonds or position schedule bonds.
         13.  Review the management of state property loss exposures and
      state liability risk exposures for the capitol complex.  Insurance
      coverage may include self-insurance or any type of insurance
      protection sold by insurers, including, but not limited to, full
      coverage, partial coverage, coinsurance, reinsurance, and deductible
      insurance coverage.
         14.  Establish a monument maintenance account in the state
      treasury under the control of the department.  Funds for the
      maintenance of a state monument, whether received by gift, devise,
      bequest, or otherwise, shall be deposited in the account.  Funds in
      the account shall be deposited in an interest-bearing account.
      Notwithstanding section 12C.7, interest earned on the account shall
      be deposited in the account and shall be used to maintain the
      designated monument.  Any maintenance funds for a state monument held
      by the state and interest earned on the funds shall be used to
      maintain the designated monument.  Notwithstanding section 8.33,
      funds in the monument maintenance account at the end of a fiscal year
      shall not revert to the general fund of the state.  
         Section History: Recent Form
         2003 Acts, ch 145, §36; 2004 Acts, ch 1101, §7; 2006 Acts, ch
      1179, §36; 2006 Acts, ch 1182, §56; 2007 Acts, ch 115, §7; 2007 Acts,
      ch 219, §31; 2008 Acts, ch 1032, §201; 2009 Acts, ch 28, §1
         Referred to in § 8A.111, 8A.327, 99D.5, 99D.6, 303.2, 303.9