8A.201  DEFINITIONS.
         As used in this subchapter, unless the context otherwise requires:

         1.  "Information technology" means computing and electronics
      applications used to process and distribute information in digital
      and other forms and includes information technology devices,
      information technology services, and value-added services.
         2.  "Information technology device" means equipment or
      associated software, including programs, languages, procedures, or
      associated documentation, used in operating the equipment which is
      designed for utilizing information stored in an electronic format.
      "Information technology device" includes but is not limited to
      computer systems, computer networks, and equipment used for input,
      output, processing, storage, display, scanning, and printing.
         3.  "Information technology services" means services designed
      to do any of the following:
         a.  Provide functions, maintenance, and support of information
      technology devices.
         b.  Provide services including, but not limited to, any of the
         (1)  Computer systems application development and maintenance.
         (2)  Systems integration and interoperability.
         (3)  Operating systems maintenance and design.
         (4)  Computer systems programming.
         (5)  Computer systems software support.
         (6)  Planning and security relating to information technology
         (7)  Data management consultation.
         (8)  Information technology education and consulting.
         (9)  Information technology planning and standards.
         (10)  Establishment of local area network and workstation
      management standards.
         4.  "Participating agency" means any agency other than any of
      the following:
         a.  The state board of regents and institutions operated under
      the authority of the state board of regents.
         b.  The public broadcasting division of the department of
         c.  The state department of transportation mobile radio
         d.  The department of public safety law enforcement
      communications systems and capitol complex security systems in use
      for the legislative branch.
         e.  The telecommunications and technology commission
      established in section 8D.3, with respect to information technology
      that is unique to the Iowa communications network.
         f.  The Iowa lottery authority.
         g.  A judicial district department of correctional services
      established pursuant to section 905.2.
         h.  The Iowa finance authority, including the title guaranty
         5.  "Technology governance board" means the board established
      in section 8A.204.
         6.  "Value-added services" means services that offer or
      provide unique, special, or enhanced value, benefits, or features to
      the customer or user including, but not limited to, services in which
      information technology is specially designed, modified, or adapted to
      meet the special or requested needs of the user or customer; services
      involving the delivery, provision, or transmission of information or
      data that require or involve additional processing, formatting,
      enhancement, compilation or security; services that provide the
      customer or user with enhanced accessibility, security or
      convenience; research and development services; and services that are
      provided to support technological or statutory requirements imposed
      on participating agencies and other governmental entities,
      businesses, and the public.  
         Section History: Recent Form
         2003 Acts, ch 145, §17; 2005 Acts, ch 90, §1, 2; 2005 Acts, ch
      179, §142; 2007 Acts, ch 54, §1
         Referred to in § 8A.204