The director shall do all of the following:
         1.  Coordinate the internal operations of the department and
      develop and implement policies and procedures designed to ensure the
      efficient administration of the department.
         2.  Appoint all personnel deemed necessary for the administration
      of the department's functions as provided in this chapter.
         3.  Prepare an annual budget for the department.
         4.  Develop and recommend legislative proposals deemed necessary
      for the continued efficiency of the department's functions, and
      review legislative proposals generated outside the department which
      are related to matters within the department's purview.
         5.  Adopt rules deemed necessary for the administration of this
      chapter in accordance with chapter 17A.
         6.  Develop and maintain support systems within the department to
      provide appropriate administrative support and sufficient data for
      the effective and efficient operation of state government.
         7.  Enter into contracts for the receipt and provision of services
      as deemed necessary.  The director and the governor may obtain and
      accept grants and receipts to or for the state to be used for the
      administration of the department's functions as provided in this
         8.  Establish the internal organization of the department and
      allocate and reallocate duties and functions not assigned by law to
      an officer or any subunit of the department to promote economic and
      efficient administration and operation of the department.
         9.  Install a records system for the keeping of records which are
      necessary for a proper audit and effective operation of the
         10.  Determine which risk exposures shall be self-insured or
      assumed by the state with respect to loss and loss exposures of state
         11.  Keep in the director's office a complete record containing an
      itemized account of all state property, including furniture and
      equipment, under the director's care and control, and plans and
      surveys of the public grounds, buildings, and underground
      constructions at the seat of government and of the state laboratories
      facility in Ankeny.
         12.  Serve as the chief information officer for the state.
      However, the director may designate a person in the department to
      serve in this capacity at the discretion of the director.  If the
      director designates a person to serve as chief information officer,
      the person designated shall be professionally qualified by education
      and have no less than five years' experience in the fields of
      information technology and financial management.
         13.  Exercise and perform such other powers and duties as may be
      prescribed by law.  
         Section History: Recent Form
         2003 Acts, ch 145, §4; 2005 Acts, ch 52, §2