1.  The office of grants enterprise management is established in
      the department of management.  The function of the office is to
      develop and administer a system to track, identify, advocate for, and
      coordinate nonstate grants as defined in section 8.2, subsections 1
      and 3.  Staffing for the office of grants enterprise management shall
      be provided by a facilitator appointed by the director of the
      department of management.  Additional staff may be hired, subject to
      the availability of funding.  Funding for the office is from the
      appropriation to the department pursuant to section 8A.505,
      subsection 2.{
         2. a.  All grant applications submitted and grant moneys
      received by a department on behalf of the state shall be reported to
      the office of grants enterprise management.  The office shall by
      January 31 of each year submit to the fiscal services division of the
      legislative services agency a written report listing all grants
      received during the previous calendar year with a value over one
      thousand dollars and the funding entity and purpose for each grant.
      However, the reports on grants filed by the state board of regents
      pursuant to section 8.44 shall be deemed sufficient to comply with
      the requirements of this subsection.
         b.  The office of grants enterprise management shall submit by
      July 1 and January 1 of each year to the government oversight
      committees a written report summarizing departmental compliance with
      the requirements of this subsection.  
         Section History: Recent Form
         2003 Acts, ch 99, §1; 2008 Acts, ch 1191, §26 
         {Subsection 2 of Code section 8A.505 stricken by 2009 Acts, ch
      181, §38