1.  For the purposes of this section, unless the context otherwise
         a.  "Installment acquisition" includes, but is not limited
      to, an arrangement in which title of ownership passes when the first
      installment payment is made.
         b.  "Lease-purchase arrangement" includes, but is not
      limited to, an arrangement in which title of ownership passes when
      the final installment payment is made.
         c.  "State agency" means any executive, judicial, or
      legislative department, commission, board, institution, division,
      bureau, office, agency, or other entity of state government.
         2.  At least thirty days prior to entering into a contract
      involving a lease-purchase or installment acquisition arrangement in
      which any part or the total amount of the contract is at least fifty
      thousand dollars, a state agency shall notify the legislative
      services agency concerning the contract.  The legislative services
      agency shall compile the notifications for submission to the
      legislative fiscal committee of the legislative council.  The
      notification is required regardless of the source of payment for the
      lease-purchase or installment acquisition arrangement.  The
      notification shall include all of the following information:
         a.  A description of the object of the lease-purchase or
      installment acquisition arrangement.
         b.  The proposed terms of the contract.
         c.  The cost of the contract, including principal and interest
      costs.  If the actual cost of a contract is not known at least thirty
      days prior to entering into the contract, the state agency shall
      estimate the principal and interest costs for the contract.
         d.  An identification of the means and source of payment of
      the contract.
         e.  An analysis of consequences of delaying or abandoning the
      commencement of the contract.
         3.  The legislative fiscal committee shall report to the
      legislative council concerning the notifications it receives pursuant
      to this section.  
         Section History: Recent Form
         91 Acts, ch 268, §606; 95 Acts, ch 214, § 2; 2003 Acts, ch 35,
      §45, 49
         Referred to in § 12.28