The budget shall consist of four parts, the nature and contents of
      which shall be as follows:
         1.  Part I -- Governor's budget message.
         a.  Part I shall consist of the governor's budget message, in
      which the governor shall set forth:
         (1) (a)  The governor's program for meeting all the expenditure
      needs of the government for the fiscal year, indicating the classes
      of funds, general or special, from which appropriations are to be
      made and the means through which the expenditures shall be financed.

         (b)  The governor's program shall include a single budget request
      for all capital projects proposed by the governor.  The request shall
      include but is not limited to the following:
         (i)  The purpose and need for each capital project.
         (ii)  A priority listing of capital projects.
         (iii)  The costs of acquisition, lease, construction, renovation,
      or demolition of each capital project.
         (iv)  The identification of the means and source of funding each
      capital project.
         (v)  The estimated operating costs of each capital project after
         (vi)  The estimated maintenance costs of each capital project
      after completion.
         (vii)  The consequences of delaying or abandoning each capital
         (viii)  Alternative approaches to meeting the purpose or need for
      each capital project.
         (ix)  Alternative financing mechanisms.
         (x)  A cost-benefit analysis or economic impact of each capital
         b. (1)  Financial statements giving in summary form:
         (a)  The condition of the treasury at the end of the last
      completed fiscal year, the estimated condition of the treasury at the
      end of the year in progress, and the estimated condition of the
      treasury at the end of the following fiscal year if the governor's
      budget proposals are put into effect.
         (b)  Statements showing the bonded indebtedness of the government,
      debt authorized and unissued, debt redemption and interest
      requirements, and condition of the sinking funds, if any.
         (c)  A summary of appropriations recommended for the following
      fiscal year for each department and establishment and for the
      government as a whole, in comparison with the actual expenditures for
      the last completed fiscal year and the estimated expenditures for the
      year in progress.
         (d)  A summary of the revenue, estimated to be received by the
      government during the following fiscal year, classified according to
      sources, in comparison with the actual revenue received by the
      government during the last completed fiscal year and estimated income
      during the year in progress.
         (e)  A statement of federal funds received in the form of block or
      categorical grants which were not included in the governor's budget
      for the previous fiscal year and a statement of anticipated block
      grants and categorical grants.  The budget shall indicate how the
      federal funds will be used and the programs to which they will be
      allocated.  The amount of state funds required to implement the
      programs to which the federal funds will apply shall also be
      indicated.  The departments shall provide information to the director
      on the anticipated federal block grants and categorical grants to be
      received on or before November 1 of each year.  The director shall
      use this information to develop an annual update of the statement of
      federal funds received which shall be provided to the general
         (f)  Other financial statements, data, and comments as in the
      governor's opinion are necessary or desirable in order to make known
      in all practicable detail the financial condition and operation of
      the government and the effect that the budget as proposed by the
      governor will have on the financial condition and operation.
         (2)  If the estimated revenues of the government for the ensuing
      fiscal year as set forth in the budget on the basis of existing laws,
      plus the estimated amounts in the treasury at the close of the year
      in progress, available for expenditure in the ensuing fiscal year are
      less than the aggregate recommended for the ensuing fiscal year as
      contained in the budget, the governor shall make recommendations to
      the legislature in respect to the manner in which the deficit shall
      be met, whether by an increase in the state tax or the imposition of
      new taxes, increased rates on existing taxes, or otherwise, and if
      the aggregate of the estimated revenues, plus estimated balances in
      the treasury, is greater than the recommended appropriations for the
      ensuing fiscal year, the governor shall make recommendations in
      reference to the application of the surplus to the reduction of debt
      or otherwise, to the reduction in taxation, or to such other action
      as in the governor's opinion is in the interest of the public
         2.  Part II -- Recommended appropriations.
         a.  Part II shall present in detail for the ensuing fiscal
      year the governor's recommendations for appropriations to meet the
      expenditure needs of the government from each general class of funds,
      in comparison with actual expenditures for each of the purposes
      during the last completed fiscal year and estimated expenditures for
      the year in progress, classified by departments and establishments
      and indicating for each the appropriations recommended for:
         (1)  Meeting the cost of administration, operation, and
      maintenance of the departments and establishments.
         (2)  Appropriations for meeting the cost of land, public
      improvements, and other capital outlays in connection with the
      departments and establishments.
         b.  Each item of expenditure, actual or estimated, and
      appropriations recommended for administration, operation, and
      maintenance of each department or establishment shall be supported by
      detailed statements showing the actual and estimated expenditures and
      appropriations classified by objects according to a standard scheme
      of classification to be prescribed by the director.
         3.  Part III -- Appropriation bills.  Part III shall include a
      draft or drafts of appropriation bills having for their purpose to
      give legal sanction to the appropriations recommended to be made in
      parts I and II.  The appropriation bills shall indicate the funds,
      general or special, from which the appropriations shall be paid, but
      the appropriations need not be in greater detail than to indicate the
      total appropriation to be made for:
         a.  Administration, operation, and maintenance of each
      department and establishment for the fiscal year.
         b.  The cost of land, public improvements, and other capital
      outlays for each department and establishment, itemized by specific
      projects or classes of projects of the same general character.
         4.  Part IV -- Strategic plan.  Part IV shall include an
      explanation that correlates the budget with the enterprise strategic
      plan adopted pursuant to section 8E.204.  The budget shall provide an
      explanation of appropriations recommended for the administration and
      maintenance of an agency as defined in section 8E.103 with the
      general evaluation of the agency in meeting enterprise strategic
      goals, including identifying goals that require legislation.  
         Section History: Early Form
         [SS15, § 191-b; C24, 27, 31, § 332, 333, 335; C35, § 84-e15; C39,
      § 84.15; C46, 50, 54, 58, 62, 66, 71, 73, 75, 77, 79, 81, § 8.22;
      81 Acts, ch 17, § 2] 
         Section History: Recent Form
         84 Acts, ch 1231, § 2; 86 Acts, ch 1245, § 2016; 89 Acts, ch 298,
      § 6; 90 Acts, ch 1168, § 5; 2001 Acts, ch 169, §1, 2; 2008 Acts, ch
      1032, §201
         Referred to in § 8.6, 8.21, 8.22A, 8.25, 8.27, 8.41, 8.54