1. a.  Notwithstanding section 34A.6, the administrator shall
      adopt by rule a monthly surcharge of up to sixty-five cents to be
      imposed on each wireless communications service number provided in
      this state.  The surcharge shall be imposed uniformly on a statewide
      basis and simultaneously on all wireless communications service
      numbers as provided by rule of the administrator.
         b.  The program manager shall provide no less than one hundred
      days' notice of the surcharge to be imposed to each wireless
      communications service provider.  The program manager, subject to the
      sixty-five cent limit in paragraph "a", may adjust the amount of
      the surcharge as necessary, but no more than once in any calendar
         c. (1)  The surcharge shall be collected as part of the
      wireless communications service provider's periodic billing to a
      subscriber.  The surcharge shall appear as a single line item on a
      subscriber's periodic billing indicating that the surcharge is for
      E911 emergency telephone service.  In the case of prepaid wireless
      telephone service, this surcharge shall be remitted based upon the
      address associated with the point of purchase, the customer billing
      address, or the location associated with the mobile telephone number
      for each active prepaid wireless telephone that has a sufficient
      positive balance as of the last days of the information, if that
      information is available.
         (2)  In compensation for the costs of billing and collection, the
      wireless communications service provider may retain one percent of
      the gross surcharges collected.
         (3)  The surcharges shall be remitted quarterly by the wireless
      communications service provider to the program manager for deposit
      into the fund established in subsection 2.
         (4)  A wireless communications service provider is not liable for
      an uncollected surcharge for which the wireless communications
      service provider has billed a subscriber but which has not been paid.

         2.  Moneys collected pursuant to subsection 1 shall be deposited
      in a separate wireless E911 emergency communications fund within the
      state treasury under the control of the program manager.  Section
      8.33 shall not apply to moneys in the fund.  Moneys earned as income,
      including as interest, from the fund shall remain in the fund until
      expended as provided in this section.  Moneys in the fund shall be
      expended and distributed in the following priority order:
         a.  An amount as appropriated by the general assembly to the
      administrator shall be allocated to the administrator and program
      manager for implementation, support, and maintenance of the functions
      of the administrator and program manager and to employ the auditor of
      state to perform an annual audit of the wireless E911 emergency
      communications fund.
         b.  The program manager shall allocate twenty-one percent of
      the total amount of surcharge generated to wireless carriers to
      recover their costs to deliver E911 phase 1 services.  If the
      allocation in this paragraph is insufficient to reimburse all
      wireless carriers for such carrier's eligible expenses, the program
      manager shall allocate a prorated amount to each wireless carrier
      equal to the percentage of such carrier's eligible expenses as
      compared to the total of all eligible expenses for all wireless
      carriers for the calendar quarter during which such expenses were
      submitted.  When prorated expenses are paid, the remaining unpaid
      expenses shall no longer be eligible for payment under this
         c.  The program manager shall reimburse wire-line carriers on
      a calendar quarter basis for carriers' eligible expenses for
      transport costs between the selective router and the public safety
      answering points related to the delivery of wireless E911 phase 1
         d.  The program manager shall reimburse wire-line carriers and
      third-party E911 automatic location information database providers on
      a calendar quarterly basis for the costs of maintaining and upgrading
      the E911 components and functionalities beyond the input to the E911
      selective router, including the E911 selective router and the
      automatic location information database.
         e.  The program manager shall apply an amount up to five
      hundred thousand dollars per calendar quarter to any outstanding
      wireless E911 phase 1 obligations incurred pursuant to this chapter
      prior to July 1, 2004.
         f. (1)  The program manager shall allocate an amount up to one
      hundred fifty-nine thousand dollars per calendar quarter equally to
      the joint E911 service boards and the department of public safety
      that have submitted an annual written request to the program manager
      in a form approved by the program manager by May 15 of each year.
      The program manager shall allocate to each joint E911 service board
      and to the department of public safety a minimum of one thousand
      dollars per calendar quarter for each public safety answering point
      within the service area of the department of public safety or joint
      E911 service board.
         (2)  Upon retirement of outstanding obligations referred to in
      paragraph "e", the amount allocated under this paragraph "f"
      shall be twenty-five percent of the total amount of surcharge
      generated per calendar quarter allocated as follows:
         (a)  Sixty-five percent of the total dollars available for
      allocation shall be allocated in proportion to the square miles of
      the service area to the total square miles in this state.
         (b)  Thirty-five percent of the total dollars available for
      allocation shall be allocated in proportion to the wireless E911
      calls taken at the public safety answering point in the service area
      to the total number of wireless E911 calls originating in this state.

         (c)  Notwithstanding subparagraph divisions (a) and (b), the
      minimum amount allocated to each joint E911 service board and to the
      department of public safety shall be no less than one thousand
      dollars for each public safety answering point within the service
      area of the department of public safety or joint E911 service board.

         (3)  The funds allocated in this paragraph "f" shall be used
      for communication equipment located inside the public safety
      answering points for the implementation and maintenance of wireless
      E911 phase 2.  The joint E911 service boards and the department of
      public safety shall provide an estimate of phase 2 implementation
      costs to the program manager by January 1, 2005.
         g.  If moneys remain in the fund after fully paying all
      obligations under paragraphs "a" through "f", the remainder
      may be accumulated in the fund as a carryover operating surplus.
      This surplus shall be used to fund future phase 2 network and public
      safety answering point improvements and wireless carriers' transport
      costs related to wireless E911 services, if those costs are not
      otherwise recovered by wireless carriers through customer billing or
      other sources and approved by the program manager.  Notwithstanding
      section 8.33, any moneys remaining in the fund at the end of each
      fiscal year shall not revert to the general fund of the state but
      shall remain available for the purposes of the fund.
         h.  The administrator, in consultation with the program
      manager and the E911 communications council, shall adopt rules
      pursuant to chapter 17A governing the distribution of the surcharge
      collected and distributed pursuant to this subsection.  The rules
      shall include provisions that all joint E911 service boards and the
      department of public safety which answer or service wireless E911
      calls are eligible to receive an equitable portion of the receipts.
         3. a.  The program manager shall submit an annual report by
      January 15 of each year to the general assembly's standing committees
      on government oversight advising the general assembly of the status
      of E911 implementation and operations, including both wire-line and
      wireless services, the distribution of surcharge receipts, and an
      accounting of the revenues and expenses of the E911 program.
         b.  The program manager shall submit a calendar quarter report
      of the revenues and expenses of the E911 program to the fiscal
      services division of the legislative services agency.
         c.  The general assembly's standing committees on government
      oversight shall review the priorities of distribution of funds under
      this chapter at least every two years.
         4.  The amount collected from a wireless service provider and
      deposited in the fund, pursuant to section 22.7, subsection 6,
      information provided by a wireless service provider to the program
      manager consisting of trade secrets, pursuant to section 22.7,
      subsection 3, and other financial or commercial operations
      information provided by a wireless service provider to the program
      manager, shall be kept confidential as provided under section 22.7.
      This subsection does not prohibit the inclusion of information in any
      report providing aggregate amounts and information which does not
      identify numbers of accounts or customers, revenues, or expenses
      attributable to an individual wireless communications service
         5.  For purposes of this section, "wireless communications
      service" means commercial mobile radio service, as defined under
      sections 3(27) and 332(d) of the federal Telecommunications Act of
      1996, 47 U.S.C. § 151 et seq.; federal communications commission
      rules; and the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1993.
      "Wireless communications service" includes any wireless two-way
      communications used in cellular telephone service, personal
      communications service, or the functional or competitive equivalent
      of a radio-telephone communications line used in cellular telephone
      service, a personal communications service, or a network access line.
      "Wireless communications service" does not include services whose
      customers do not have access to 911 or a 911-like service, a
      communications channel utilized only for data transmission, or a
      private telecommunications system.  
         Section History: Recent Form
         98 Acts, ch 1101, §9, 16; 99 Acts, ch 96, §5; 2004 Acts, ch 1175,
      §453--455; 2005 Acts, ch 140, §2; 2007 Acts, ch 213, §21; 2009 Acts,
      ch 41, §263; 2009 Acts, ch 86, §4