1.  Before a joint E911 service board may request imposition of
      the surcharge by the program manager, the board shall submit the
      following question to voters, as provided in subsection 2, in the
      proposed E911 service area, and the question shall receive a
      favorable vote from a simple majority of persons submitting valid
      ballots on the following question within the proposed E911 service

               "Shall the following public       YES   ..
               measure be adopted?               NO    ..

         Enhanced 911 emergency telephone service shall be funded, in whole
      or in part, by a monthly surcharge of (an amount determined by the
      local joint E911 service board of up to one dollar) on each telephone
      access line collected as part of each telephone subscriber's monthly
      phone bill if provided within (description of the proposed E911
      service area)."

         2.  The referendum required as a condition of the surcharge
      imposition in subsection 1 shall be conducted using the following
      electoral mechanism:
         a.  At the request of the joint E911 service board a county
      commissioner of elections shall include the question on the next
      eligible general election ballot in each electoral precinct to be
      served, in whole or in part, by the proposed E911 service area,
      provided the request is timely submitted to permit inclusion.
         b.  The question may be included in the next election in which
      all of the voters in the proposed E911 service area will be eligible
      to vote on the same day.
         c.  The county commissioner of elections shall report the
      results to the joint E911 service board.
         d.  The joint E911 service board shall compile the results if
      subscribers from more than one county are included within the
      proposed service area.  The joint E911 service board shall announce
      whether a simple majority of the compiled votes reported by the
      commissioner approved the referendum question.
         3.  The secretary of state, in consultation with the
      administrator, shall adopt rules for the conduct of joint E911
      service referendums as required by and consistent with subsections 1
      and 2.  
         Section History: Recent Form
         88 Acts, ch 1177, § 6
         C89, § 477B.6
         89 Acts, ch 168, § 3; 90 Acts, ch 1144, §1; 91 Acts, ch 129, §27,
      28; 92 Acts, ch 1139, § 35
         C93, § 34A.6
         98 Acts, ch 1101, § 7, 16; 2004 Acts, ch 1175, §449; 2008 Acts, ch
      1032, §144
         Referred to in §34A.6A, 34A.7, 34A.7A