1.  As used in this subchapter, unless the context otherwise
      requires, "authority" means the Iowa finance authority.
         2.  The authority shall cooperate with the administrator in the
      creation, administration, and funding of the E911 program established
      in subchapter I.
         3.  The authority may issue its bonds and notes for the purpose of
      funding E911 nonrecurring and recurring costs of one or more E911
      service areas.
         4.  The authority may issue its bonds and notes for the purposes
      of this chapter and may enter into one or more lending agreements or
      purchase agreements with one or more bondholders or noteholders
      containing the terms and conditions of the repayment of and the
      security for the bonds or notes.  The authority and the bondholders
      or noteholders or a trustee agent designated by the authority may
      enter into agreements to provide for any of the following:
         a.  That the proceeds of the bonds and notes and the
      investments of the proceeds may be received, held, and disbursed by
      the authority or by a trustee or agent designated by the authority.
         b.  That the bondholders or noteholders or a trustee or agent
      designated by the authority may collect, invest, and apply the amount
      payable under the loan agreements or any other instruments securing
      the debt obligations under the loan agreements.
         c.  That the bondholders or noteholders may enforce the
      remedies provided in the loan agreements or other instruments on
      their own behalf without the appointment or designation of a trustee.
      If there is a default in the principal of or interest on the bonds or
      notes or in the performance of any agreement contained in the loan
      agreements or other instruments, the payment or performance may be
      enforced in accordance with the loan agreement or other instrument.
         d.  Other terms and conditions as deemed necessary or
      appropriate by the authority.
         5.  The powers granted the authority under this section are in
      addition to other powers contained in chapter 16.  All other
      provisions of chapter 16, except section 16.28, subsection 4, apply
      to bonds or notes issued and powers granted to the authority under
      this section, except to the extent they are inconsistent with this
         6.  All bonds or notes issued by the authority in connection with
      the program are exempt from taxation by this state and the interest
      on the bonds or notes is exempt from state income tax, both personal
      and corporate.  
         Section History: Recent Form
         90 Acts, ch 1144, §6
         C91, § 477B.20
         C93, § 34A.20
         98 Acts, ch 1101, § 14, 16
         Referred to in §16.161, 34A.7, 34A.21