IC 9-29

IC 9-29-1
     Chapter 1. General Provisions

IC 9-29-1-1
Deposits with treasurer of state; credits to motor vehicle highway account; exceptions
Sec. 1. Except as provided in sections 2 through 4 of this chapter, all money collected by the bureau under IC 9-14-5, IC 9-18-2, IC 9-18-5, IC 9-18-6, IC 9-18-7, IC 9-18-9, IC 9-18-10, IC 9-18-11, IC 9-18-16, IC 9-24-3, IC 9-24-4, IC 9-24-5, IC 9-24-7, IC 9-24-8, IC 9-24-10, IC 9-24-11, IC 9-24-12, IC 9-24-13, and IC 9-24-14 shall be deposited daily with the treasurer of state and credited to the motor vehicle highway account established under IC 8-14-1.
As added by P.L.2-1991, SEC.17. Amended by P.L.22-1991, SEC.6.

IC 9-29-1-2
Deposit of money from certain fee increases with treasurer of state; credit to certain funds
Sec. 2. (a) Money from the increases in fees levied by the 1969 regular session of the general assembly in IC 9-18-2, IC 9-18-5, IC 9-18-6, IC 9-18-7, IC 9-18-9, IC 9-18-10, IC 9-18-16, IC 9-24-3, IC 9-24-4, IC 9-24-5, IC 9-24-7, IC 9-24-8, IC 9-24-10, IC 9-24-11, IC 9-24-12, IC 9-24-13, IC 9-24-14, and IC 9-29-9-15 (IC 9-1-4 before its repeal on July 1, 1991) shall be deposited daily with the treasurer of state and credited to the highway, road, and street fund established under IC 8-14-2-2.1.
    (b) For the purpose of providing adequate and sufficient funds for the crossroads 2000 fund established under IC 8-14-10-9, and subject to subsection (c), after June 30, 1997, with the approval of the bureau of motor vehicles commission the bureau of motor vehicles may adopt rules under IC 4-22-2 to increase, by an amount that is in addition to the fees specified by statute, the fees under the following:
        IC 9-29-4-3
        IC 9-29-5
        IC 9-29-9-1
        IC 9-29-9-2
        IC 9-29-9-3
        IC 9-29-9-4
        IC 9-29-9-5
        IC 9-29-9-6
        IC 9-29-9-7
        IC 9-29-9-8
        IC 9-29-9-9
        IC 9-29-9-10
        IC 9-29-9-11
        IC 9-29-9-13
        IC 9-29-9-14         IC 9-29-15-1
        IC 9-29-15-2
        IC 9-29-15-3
        IC 9-29-15-4
The amount of fees increased under this section shall first be deposited into the crossroads 2000 fund established under IC 8-14-10-9.
    (c) The bureau's authority to adopt rules under subsection (b) is subject to the condition that a fee increase must be uniform throughout all license branches and at all partial service locations in Indiana.
    (d) If a fee imposed by a statute listed in subsection (b) is eliminated, the amount of the fee increase set forth in a rule adopted under this section before July 1, 2007, with respect to the fee must be:
        (1) collected by the bureau notwithstanding the elimination of the underlying fee;
        (2) collected in addition to all other fees collected at the time of the underlying transaction; and
        (3) deposited in the crossroads 2000 fund established under IC 8-14-10-9.
As added by P.L.2-1991, SEC.17. Amended by P.L.260-1997(ss), SEC.56; P.L.63-2007, SEC.3.

IC 9-29-1-3
Close of calendar year; final settlement; adjustments
Sec. 3. The bureau shall, at the close of the calendar year, make a final settlement for all the money and make any necessary adjustments to meet the intent of IC 8-14-2.
As added by P.L.2-1991, SEC.17.

IC 9-29-1-4
Public service fee in addition to registration fees; deposits in state police building account; transfers to state general fund
Sec. 4. (a) A public service fee of twenty-five cents ($0.25) is imposed. The public service fee shall be collected in addition to all registration fees collected under IC 9-18.
    (b) Money collected under subsection (a) shall be deposited in the state police building account. Money in the account:
        (1) does not revert to the state general fund or the motor vehicle highway account, except as provided under subsection (c); and
        (2) shall be expended for the following:
            (A) The construction, maintenance, leasing, and equipping of state police facilities.
            (B) Other projects provided for by law.
    (c) At the end of each state fiscal year, the auditor of state shall transfer to the state general fund the balance in the state police building account that is in excess of appropriations made for the construction, maintenance, leasing, or equipping of state police facilities and other projects provided for by law.     (d) Transfers under subsection (c) shall be made until one million five hundred thousand dollars ($1,500,000) has been transferred to the state general fund.
As added by P.L.2-1991, SEC.17.

IC 9-29-1-5
Annual allocation of motor vehicle odometer fund
Sec. 5. All money in the motor vehicle odometer fund shall be allocated each July as follows:
        (1) Forty percent (40%) is to be deposited in the motor vehicle highway account (IC 8-14-1).
        (2) Thirty percent (30%) is to be appropriated to the bureau for use in enforcing odometer laws.
        (3) Twenty percent (20%) is to be appropriated to the state police for use in enforcing odometer laws.
        (4) Ten percent (10%) is to be appropriated to the attorney general for use in enforcing odometer laws.
As added by P.L.2-1991, SEC.17.

IC 9-29-1-6
Refunds of fee overcharges
Sec. 6. If a person who holds a certificate of registration and a license plate under this title has:
        (1) been charged by the bureau a fee higher than that required by law; and
        (2) has paid the higher fee;
the person shall be refunded the amount of the overcharge by a warrant issued by the auditor of state drawn on the treasurer of state after the person presents a request for the refund of the overcharge on a form furnished by the bureau. The amount of the refund shall be charged to the motor vehicle highway account.
As added by P.L.2-1991, SEC.17.

IC 9-29-1-7
Interchangeable body motor vehicles; payment of higher fee; display of license plate for higher fee classification
Sec. 7. If a person who owns a motor vehicle has interchangeable bodies for the motor vehicle that may be classified as:
        (1) a passenger car or motor bus; and
        (2) a truck;
the person shall pay the higher fee and display the license plate issued for that class.
As added by P.L.2-1991, SEC.17.

IC 9-29-1-8
Hearses and ambulances; classification as passenger motor vehicles
Sec. 8. Hearses and ambulances shall be classified as passenger motor vehicles. The fees for the registration of hearses and ambulances shall be determined under IC 9-29-4.
As added by P.L.2-1991, SEC.17.
IC 9-29-1-9
Luminescent or reflectorizing paint or materials on license plates; authorization of expenditures
Sec. 9. The bureau may expend out of the motor vehicle highway account fund an amount sufficient to paint, cover, or treat all motor vehicle license plates with luminescent or reflectorizing paint or material.
As added by P.L.2-1991, SEC.17.