IC 8-9-9
Chapter 9. Placement of Locomotives Within Trains
IC 8-9-9-1
Unlawful acts; exceptions
Sec. 1. On and after March 8, 1913, it shall be unlawful for any
person, firm, or corporation, or lessee or receiver of any person, firm,
or corporation, owning or operating any line or lines of steam
railroad in this state to place, attach, couple, or otherwise connect
any car or cars between any two (2) or more locomotive engines in
such manner that one (1) or more such locomotive engines shall
precede, and one (1) or more such locomotive engines shall succeed,
such car or cars, and, in such case, and in such cases only, when such
locomotive engines, having such car or cars placed, attached,
coupled, or otherwise connected between them shall be used or
employed, or shall be intended to be used or employed to haul, push,
draw, switch, shunt, or otherwise move or transport such car or cars
over or along the track or tracks of such railroad or railroads, or any
part or parts thereof lying within this state. And it shall likewise be
unlawful to haul, push, draw, switch, shunt, or otherwise move or
transport such car or cars when placed, attached, coupled, or
otherwise connected between such locomotive engines in the manner
described in this section, over or along any sidetrack, spur, turn-out,
or switch located in any yard or yards or elsewhere when used,
owned, operated, or leased by any such railroad or railroads, and in
any and all other cases when the hauling, pushing, drawing,
switching, shunting, or otherwise moving or transporting such car or
cars when placed, attached, coupled, or otherwise connected between
such locomotive engines in the manner described in this section
would imperil or endanger the life or lives of any person or persons
engaged or employed on or in such car or cars and engines, or who
have a lawful right to be or ride therein or thereon; provided, that
none of the provisions of the section shall be construed to apply to
cases where it is necessary or imperative to use or employ a switch
or other engine to assist in starting or overcoming the inertia of a
standing train, or in pushing or moving such train over steep or heavy
grades, or around sharp curves, for short distances, and when it is
customary to detach such engine or engines when the bend of such
curve shall have been passed, or when the summit of such grade or
acclivity shall have been reached.
(Formerly: Acts 1913, c.130, s.1.) As amended by P.L.62-1984,
IC 8-9-9-2
Violation; forfeiture
Sec. 2. Any person, firm, or corporation, or lessee or receiver of
any person, firm, or corporation owning or operating any line or lines
of steam railroad in this state who shall violate any of the provisions
of this chapter shall forfeit and pay to the state of Indiana the sum of
five hundred dollars ($500) for each and every offense, and each and
every day that the violation of any of the provisions of this chapter
shall continue shall be deemed to constitute a separate and distinct
(Formerly: Acts 1913, c.130, s.2.) As amended by P.L.62-1984,