IC 8-6-15
Chapter 15. Abandoned and Unused Crossings
IC 8-6-15-1
Requests to determine abandoned or unused crossings
Sec. 1. The department shall determine whether a railroad grade
crossing is abandoned or unused after receiving a request for the
determination from:
(1) the railroad; or
(2) the state highway district or local road authority that has
jurisdiction over the roadway.
As added by P.L.87-2003, SEC.1.
IC 8-6-15-2
Designation of abandoned or unused crossings
Sec. 2. The department shall designate an abandoned or unused
railroad grade crossing as abandoned or unused.
As added by P.L.87-2003, SEC.1. Amended by P.L.97-2004, SEC.35.
IC 8-6-15-3
Marking of designated crossings
Sec. 3. An abandoned or unused railroad grade crossing
designated under section 2 of this chapter must be marked with signs
reading "tracks out of service". The signs must:
(1) be posted and maintained by the department or the local
road authority having jurisdiction over the roadway; and
(2) be in conformance with the Indiana Manual on Uniform
Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways as adopted
under IC 9-21-2-1.
As added by P.L.87-2003, SEC.1.
IC 8-6-15-4
Notice of intent to resume operations; marking
Sec. 4. (a) The railroad shall provide the department and the local
road authority having jurisdiction over a roadway with written notice
at least thirty (30) days prior to resuming operation over an
abandoned or unused railroad crossing. The notice must include a
request that the signs posted under section 3 of this chapter be
removed from the crossing.
(b) After removal of the signs under subsection (a), the railroad
shall mark the railroad grade crossing for six (6) months with signs
reading "train traffic resumed -- tracks in service".
As added by P.L.87-2003, SEC.1.