IC 8-23-24
Chapter 24. Tree Planting
IC 8-23-24-1
Responsibility for planting trees
Sec. 1. When consistent with public safety and subject to
IC 8-23-24.5, the department shall plant trees along the rights-of-way
of highways, streets, and roads for which responsibility is assigned
to the department.
As added by P.L.90-1991, SEC.1. Amended by P.L.182-2009(ss),
IC 8-23-24-2
Conformance with federal law
Sec. 2. Tree planting must be in conformance with federal law.
As added by P.L.90-1991, SEC.1.
IC 8-23-24-3
Supply, supervision, and management of trees
Sec. 3. The division of forestry of the department of natural
resources shall supply the trees for use under this chapter, supervise
the planting, and manage the trees with the same responsibility and
authority as trees in a state forest.
As added by P.L.90-1991, SEC.1.