IC 8-23-12
Chapter 12. Sufficiency Rating System for Programs and Annual
IC 8-23-12-1
"Sufficiency rating" defined
Sec. 1. As used in this chapter, "sufficiency rating" means any
rating that assigns numerical values to each road section reflecting
its relative adequacy based on an engineering appraisal of structural
condition, safety, and traffic service and upon an economic appraisal
of its actual or potential value to the total area served by the road
including the effect of loss of traffic to and through the area resulting
from deterioration or obsolescence of the road.
As added by P.L.18-1990, SEC.221.
IC 8-23-12-2
Long-range construction program
Sec. 2. The department shall prepare, formally adopt, and publish
a long-range program of its future activities with regard to the
construction of highways under its jurisdiction. The sufficiency
rating principle shall be applied, as far as it is practicable, in
determining the projects to be included in the long-range
construction program and may be applied by districts. The
long-range program must contain an estimate of revenues that will
become available during that period and a statement of intention with
respect to the construction and other related work to be done.
As added by P.L.18-1990, SEC.221.
IC 8-23-12-3
Reinspection of roads; additional information included in
long-range program
Sec. 3. The department shall cause a periodic reinspection of the
system of roads under its jurisdiction to be made in order to revise its
estimates of future needs to conform to the actual physical and
service condition of the highways and economic needs of the areas
served by the highways from time to time. The long-range program,
in addition to the engineering information required by this chapter,
must contain other information that will enable the public to have the
most complete understanding of the needs of the state highway
As added by P.L.18-1990, SEC.221.
IC 8-23-12-4
Annual adoption of long range program; biennial work program
Sec. 4. The department shall annually adopt from its long range
program and publish a biennial work program of construction to be
accomplished within the following two (2) fiscal years. This biennial
work program must consist of a list of projects listed in order of
urgency. In case of emergencies and disasters resulting in the
necessity for completely unforeseen demands for construction, or if
unforeseen difficulties arise in the acquisition of rights-of-way,
materials, labor, or equipment necessary for proposed construction
or the availability of funds, a deviation from the adopted biennial
work program is permitted. The relative urgency of proposed
construction shall be determined by a consideration of the physical
condition, the safety and service characteristics of the highways
under consideration, and the economic needs of the area served by
the highways. In arriving at and making a determination, the
department shall utilize all studies, data, and information made
available to it from any appropriate source including economic data,
relative to affected areas, from the Indiana economic development
As added by P.L.18-1990, SEC.221. Amended by P.L.4-2005,
IC 8-23-12-5
Reports; publication; contents
Sec. 5. The department shall prepare and publish and make public
a report at the end of each fiscal year. The report must contain
appropriate financial data concerning receipts and disbursements, the
past year's accomplishments, the current highway improvement
program, a proposed program of construction to be accomplished
within the following two (2) fiscal years, and an appraisal of the
state's highway needs and the relative urgency of these needs.
As added by P.L.18-1990, SEC.221.
IC 8-23-12-6
Supplements to reports
Sec. 6. Notwithstanding any other provisions of this chapter, the
department shall annually prepare and publish a supplement to the
report containing appropriate financial data and status of projects
financed from the state's primary highway system fund.
As added by P.L.18-1990, SEC.221.