IC 8-23-11
Chapter 11. Emergency Repairs Without Bidding
IC 8-23-11-1
Sec. 1. Whenever a bridge, culvert, roadway, or any other physical
property of the state highway system has been damaged to the extent
that it is not usable by the traveling public or is unsafe for use, and
by order of the governor it is determined that an emergency exists,
the department shall proceed with due diligence to reopen the
highway to traffic and make it safe for the traveling public. For this
purpose, the department may proceed without advertising for bids if:
(1) three (3) or more bids are invited from persons prequalified
to perform the work required to be done; and
(2) the records of the department show the names of those
persons invited to bid.
As added by P.L.18-1990, SEC.220.
IC 8-23-11-2
Bids in excess of engineer's estimate; minimum number of bids
Sec. 2. The department may proceed to award the contract to a
low bidder on an emergency contract even though the bid is in excess
of the engineer's estimate, but only if there are at least three (3) bids
received, and the low bid does not exceed the engineer's estimate by
more than ten percent (10%). If there is an operative bid below the
engineer's estimate, this section does not necessitate a minimum
number of bids to be received.
As added by P.L.18-1990, SEC.220.
IC 8-23-11-3
Bids from racial minority businesses
Sec. 3. The department shall make a concentrated effort to invite
bids from racial minority businesses.
As added by P.L.18-1990, SEC.220.