IC 6-8-12
Chapter 12. Eligible Event; Exemption From Taxation
IC 6-8-12-1
"Eligible entity"
Sec. 1. As used in this chapter, "eligible entity" means:
(1) the National Football League and its affiliates; and
(2) the National Collegiate Athletic Association and its
As added by P.L.211-2007, SEC.39; P.L.234-2007, SEC.42.
Amended by P.L.131-2008, SEC.24.
IC 6-8-12-2
"Eligible event"
Sec. 2. As used in this chapter, "eligible event" means:
(1) an event known as the Super Bowl that is conducted after
December 31, 2011, by an eligible entity described in section
1(1) of this chapter; or
(2) an event known as the Men's Final Four or the Women's
Final Four, including the ancillary events associated with the
Men's Final Four or the Women's Final Four, that is conducted
after December 31, 2011, by an eligible entity described in
section 1(2) of this chapter.
As added by P.L.211-2007, SEC.39; P.L.234-2007, SEC.42.
Amended by P.L.131-2008, SEC.25.
IC 6-8-12-3
Tax exemption
Sec. 3. (a) Except as provided in subsection (b), all property
owned by an eligible entity, revenues of an eligible entity, and
expenditures and transactions of an eligible entity:
(1) in connection with an eligible event; and
(2) resulting from holding an eligible event in Indiana or
making preparatory advance visits to Indiana in connection with
an eligible event;
are exempt from taxation in Indiana for all purposes.
(b) Salaries and wages paid to employees of the National
Collegiate Athletic Association and its affiliates that are ordinarily
subject to taxation under:
(1) IC 6-3-1 through IC 6-3-7; and
(2) IC 6-3.5;
are subject to income taxation regardless of whether the salaries and
wages are paid in connection with an eligible event, holding an
eligible event in Indiana, or making a preparatory advance visit to
Indiana in connection with an eligible event.
As added by P.L.211-2007, SEC.39; P.L.234-2007, SEC.42.
Amended by P.L.131-2008, SEC.26.
IC 6-8-12-4
Marion County admissions tax not applicable
Sec. 4. The excise tax under IC 6-9-13 does not apply to an
eligible event.
As added by P.L.211-2007, SEC.39; P.L.234-2007, SEC.42.
IC 6-8-12-5
Sec. 5. The general assembly finds that:
(1) this chapter has been enacted as a requirement to host an
eligible event in Indiana and that an eligible event would not be
held in Indiana without the exemptions provided in this chapter;
(2) notwithstanding the exemptions provided in this chapter, an
eligible event held in Indiana would generate a significant
economic impact for Indiana and additional revenues from taxes
affected by this chapter; and
(3) the exemptions provided in this chapter will not reduce or
adversely affect the levy and collection of taxes pledged to the
payment of bonds, notes, leases, or subleases payable from
those taxes.
As added by P.L.211-2007, SEC.39; P.L.234-2007, SEC.42.