IC 5-2-7
Chapter 7. Filing of Fingerprint Samples
IC 5-2-7-1
Fingerprint samples; when necessary; failure to file
Sec. 1. (a) For each person arrested and charged by information
or indictment with a reportable offense (as defined in IC 10-13-3-18)
there shall be filed with the court having jurisdiction over the case:
(1) a fingerprint sample taken from the arrested person; and
(2) an affidavit, attached to or as an integral part of the
fingerprint sample, from an employee of the law enforcement
agency effecting the arrest that identifies the sample as taken
from the arrested person.
(b) The failure to file a fingerprint sample or an affidavit under
subsection (a) is not a ground for the dismissal of a criminal action
or the continuance of a criminal action.
As added by P.L.35-1986, SEC.1. Amended by P.L.156-2003, SEC.3.
IC 5-2-7-2
Sec. 2. A fingerprint sample filed under this chapter must contain
an imprint of the defendant's right index finger, or a full set of the
defendant's fingerprints.
As added by P.L.35-1986, SEC.1.
IC 5-2-7-3
Sec. 3. An affidavit filed under this chapter must:
(1) be sworn to and signed by the individual who obtained the
fingerprint sample; and
(2) contain the following information identifying the defendant:
(A) On one (1) line, the defendant's last name, first name,
and middle name.
(B) Any aliases the defendant may use or by which the
defendant may be known.
(C) The defendant's date of birth.
(D) The date of defendant's arrest.
(E) The defendant's sex, race, height, weight, eye color, and
hair color.
(F) The nature and cause number of the charge filed against
the defendant.
As added by P.L.35-1986, SEC.1.