IC 5-2-6.6
Chapter 6.6. Domestic Violence Prevention and Treatment
IC 5-2-6.6-1
Sec. 1. As used in this chapter, "council" refers to the domestic
violence prevention and treatment council established by section 3
of this chapter.
As added by P.L.130-2009, SEC.3.
IC 5-2-6.6-2
Sec. 2. As used in this chapter, "division" refers to the victim
services division of the Indiana criminal justice institute.
As added by P.L.130-2009, SEC.3.
IC 5-2-6.6-3
Domestic violence prevention and treatment council established
Sec. 3. (a) The domestic violence prevention and treatment
council is established within the division.
(b) The division shall provide staff support to the council.
As added by P.L.130-2009, SEC.3.
IC 5-2-6.6-4
Council membership
Sec. 4. The council consists of thirteen (13) members appointed
by the governor. Each member must have experience and knowledge
with regard to the problems of domestic violence. The members must
include the following:
(1) A domestic violence services provider.
(2) A survivor of domestic violence.
(3) A member recommended by the Indiana Coalition Against
Domestic Violence.
(4) A member recommended by the Indiana Coalition Against
Sexual Assault.
(5) A law enforcement officer.
(6) A member recommended by the prosecuting attorneys
council of Indiana.
(7) A mental health professional.
(8) A medical professional.
(9) A provider of services to children who are victims of abuse
or neglect.
(10) A representative of a certified batterers intervention
(11) A faculty member of an accredited college or university.
(12) A member recommended by the Latino Coalition Against
Domestic and Sexual Violence.
(13) A member recommended by the public defender council of
As added by P.L.130-2009, SEC.3.
IC 5-2-6.6-5
Membership term
Sec. 5. A member serves a term of three (3) years, with each term
beginning July 1 and ending June 30.
As added by P.L.130-2009, SEC.3.
IC 5-2-6.6-6
Sec. 6. A member may be removed by the governor for cause.
As added by P.L.130-2009, SEC.3.
IC 5-2-6.6-7
Sec. 7. A member appointed to fill a vacancy occurring other than
by expiration of a term shall be appointed for the remainder of the
unexpired term.
As added by P.L.130-2009, SEC.3.
IC 5-2-6.6-8
Per diem; reimbursement of expenses
Sec. 8. Each member of the council is entitled to the following:
(1) The minimum salary per diem provided in
IC 4-10-11-2.1(b).
(2) Reimbursement for traveling expenses and other expenses
as provided in the state travel policies and procedures
established by the Indiana department of administration and
approved by the budget agency.
As added by P.L.130-2009, SEC.3.
IC 5-2-6.6-9
Presiding member
Sec. 9. The governor shall designate one (1) member to preside
over the initial meeting of the council each year. At the first meeting
of the council each year, members shall elect a chairperson for the
subsequent twelve (12) month period.
As added by P.L.130-2009, SEC.3.
IC 5-2-6.6-10
Council duties
Sec. 10. The council shall do the following:
(1) Coordinate and monitor programs for the domestic violence
prevention and treatment fund under IC 5-2-6.7.
(2) Develop and implement a state plan to provide services for
the prevention and treatment of domestic violence.
(3) Review and recommend to the division the approval or
disapproval of grants or contracts in accordance with
IC 5-2-6.7.
(4) Develop and recommend a plan to coordinate funding of
domestic violence and sexual assault programs.
(5) Recommend to the division rules to be adopted by the
division under IC 4-22-2 to carry out this chapter.
As added by P.L.130-2009, SEC.3.