IC 5-2-10.1
Chapter 10.1. Indiana Safe Schools Fund
IC 5-2-10.1-0.3
"Commission" defined
Sec. 0.3. As used in this chapter, "commission" refers to a county
school safety commission established under section 10 of this
As added by P.L.273-1999, SEC.217.
IC 5-2-10.1-1
"Fund" defined
Sec. 1. As used in this chapter, "fund" refers to the Indiana safe
schools fund established by this chapter.
As added by P.L.61-1995, SEC.1.
IC 5-2-10.1-1.5
"Institute" defined
Sec. 1.5. As used in this chapter, "institute" refers to the Indiana
criminal justice institute established under IC 5-2-6.
As added by P.L.273-1999, SEC.218.
IC 5-2-10.1-1.7
"Safety plan" defined
Sec. 1.7. As used in this chapter, "safety plan" refers to any school
safety plan required by the Indiana state board of education.
As added by P.L.273-1999, SEC.219.
IC 5-2-10.1-2
Purpose and composition of fund; grant priorities and amounts
Sec. 2. (a) The Indiana safe schools fund is established to do the
(1) Promote school safety through the:
(A) purchase of equipment for the detection of firearms and
other weapons;
(B) use of dogs trained to detect firearms, drugs, explosives,
and illegal substances; and
(C) purchase of other equipment and materials used to
enhance the safety of schools.
(2) Combat truancy.
(3) Provide matching grants to schools for school safe haven
(4) Provide grants for school safety and safety plans.
(5) Provide educational outreach and training to school
personnel concerning:
(A) the identification of;
(B) the prevention of; and
(C) intervention in;
(b) The fund consists of amounts deposited:
(1) under IC 33-37-9-4; and
(2) from any other public or private source.
(c) The institute shall determine grant recipients from the fund
with a priority on awarding grants in the following order:
(1) A grant for a safety plan.
(2) A safe haven grant requested under section 10 of this
(3) A safe haven grant requested under section 7 of this chapter.
(d) Upon recommendation of the council, the institute shall
establish a method for determining the maximum amount a grant
recipient may receive under this section.
As added by P.L.61-1995, SEC.1. Amended by P.L.260-1997(ss),
SEC.44; P.L.273-1999, SEC.220; P.L.98-2004, SEC.56;
P.L.106-2005, SEC.1.
IC 5-2-10.1-3
Administration of fund; costs
Sec. 3. The institute established by IC 5-2-6 shall administer the
fund. Costs of administering the fund shall be paid from money in
the fund.
As added by P.L.61-1995, SEC.1. Amended by P.L.273-1999,
IC 5-2-10.1-4
Investment of money
Sec. 4. The treasurer of state shall invest the money in the fund
not currently needed to meet the obligations of the fund in the same
manner as other public funds may be invested.
As added by P.L.61-1995, SEC.1.
IC 5-2-10.1-5
Surplus money
Sec. 5. Money in the fund at the end of a state fiscal year does not
revert to the state general fund.
As added by P.L.61-1995, SEC.1.
IC 5-2-10.1-6
Application for grants; safety plan
Sec. 6. (a) A school corporation may receive a grant from the fund
for programs, equipment, services, or activities included in a safety
plan submitted with the application for funds to the institute.
(b) A safety plan submitted under this section must include
provisions for zero (0) tolerance for alcohol, tobacco, drugs, and
weapons on school property. If the institute approves the safety plan
and application, the treasurer of state shall disburse from the fund to
the applicant the amount of the grant certified to the treasurer of state
by the institute.
As added by P.L.61-1995, SEC.1. Amended by P.L.273-1999,
IC 5-2-10.1-7
School safe haven programs
Sec. 7. (a) As used in this section, "program" refers to a school
safe haven program.
(b) A school corporation may apply to the institute for a grant for
matching funds under this chapter to establish and operate a school
safe haven program.
(c) A program must include at least the following components:
(1) The school must be open to students of the school before
and after normal operating hours, preferably from 7 a.m. to 9
p.m., on days determined by the school corporation.
(2) The program must operate according to a plan to do the
following in the school:
(A) Reduce alcohol, tobacco, and drug abuse.
(B) Reduce violent behavior.
(C) Promote educational progress.
(d) The institute shall adopt rules to administer the program,
including rules concerning evaluations by school corporations on the
use and impact of grant money received through the program.
As added by P.L.260-1997(ss), SEC.45. Amended by P.L.273-1999,
IC 5-2-10.1-9
School safety specialists; duties
Sec. 9. (a) Each school corporation shall designate an individual
to serve as the school safety specialist for the school corporation.
(b) The school safety specialist shall be chosen by the
superintendent of the school corporation with the approval of the
governing body.
(c) The school safety specialist shall perform the following duties:
(1) Serve on the county school safety commission, if a county
school safety commission is established under section 10 of this
(2) Participate each year in a number of days of school safety
training that the council determines.
(3) With the assistance of the county school safety commission,
if a county school safety commission is established under
section 10 of this chapter, develop a safety plan for each school
in the school corporation.
(4) Coordinate the safety plans of each school in the school
corporation as required under rules adopted by the Indiana state
board of education.
(5) Act as a resource for other individuals in the school
corporation on issues related to school discipline, safety, and
As added by P.L.273-1999, SEC.224.
IC 5-2-10.1-10
County school safety commissions; members; duties
Sec. 10. (a) A county may establish a county school safety
(b) The members of the commission are as follows:
(1) The school safety specialist for each school corporation
located in whole or in part in the county.
(2) The judge of the court having juvenile jurisdiction in the
county or the judge's designee.
(3) The sheriff of the county or the sheriff's designee.
(4) The chief officer of every other law enforcement agency in
the county, or the chief officer's designee.
(5) A representative of the juvenile probation system, appointed
by the judge described under subdivision (2).
(6) Representatives of community agencies that work with
children within the county.
(7) A representative of the Indiana state police district that
serves the county.
(8) A representative of the Prosecuting Attorneys Council of
Indiana who specializes in the prosecution of juveniles.
(9) Other appropriate individuals selected by the commission.
(c) If a commission is established, the school safety specialist of
the school corporation having the largest ADM (as defined in
IC 20-18-2-2) in the county shall convene the initial meeting of the
(d) The members shall annually elect a chairperson.
(e) A commission shall perform the following duties:
(1) Perform a cumulative analysis of school safety needs within
the county.
(2) Coordinate and make recommendations for the following:
(A) Prevention of juvenile offenses and improving the
reporting of juvenile offenses within the schools.
(B) Proposals for identifying and assessing children who are
at high risk of becoming juvenile offenders.
(C) Methods to meet the educational needs of children who
have been detained as juvenile offenders.
(D) Methods to improve communications among agencies
that work with children.
(E) Methods to improve security and emergency
(F) Additional equipment or personnel that are necessary to
carry out safety plans.
(G) Any other topic the commission considers necessary to
improve school safety within the school corporations within
the commission's jurisdiction.
(3) Provide assistance to the school safety specialists on the
commission in developing and requesting grants for safety
(4) Provide assistance to the school safety specialists on the
commission and the participating school corporations in
developing and requesting grants for school safe haven
programs under section 7 of this chapter.
(5) Assist each participating school corporation in carrying out
the school corporation's safety plans.
(f) The affirmative votes of a majority of the voting members of
the commission are required for the commission to take action on a
As added by P.L.273-1999, SEC.225. Amended by P.L.2-2006,
IC 5-2-10.1-11
School safety specialist training and certification program
Sec. 11. (a) The school safety specialist training and certification
program is established.
(b) The school safety specialist training program shall provide:
(1) annual training sessions, which may be conducted through
distance learning or at regional centers; and
(2) information concerning best practices and available
for school safety specialists and county school safety commissions.
(c) The department of education shall do the following:
(1) Assemble an advisory group of school safety specialists
from around the state to make recommendations concerning the
curriculum and standards for school safety specialist training.
(2) Develop an appropriate curriculum and the standards for the
school safety specialist training and certification program. The
department of education may consult with national school
safety experts in developing the curriculum and standards. The
curriculum developed under this subdivision must include
training in identifying, preventing, and intervening in bullying.
(3) Administer the school safety specialist training program and
notify the institute of candidates for certification who have
successfully completed the training program.
(d) The institute shall do the following:
(1) Establish a school safety specialist certificate.
(2) Review the qualifications of each candidate for certification
named by the department of education.
(3) Present a certificate to each school safety specialist that the
institute determines to be eligible for certification.
As added by P.L.273-1999, SEC.226. Amended by P.L.106-2005,
IC 5-2-10.1-12
Safe school committees; school plans; copies of floor plans to law
enforcement agency and fire department
Sec. 12. (a) Each school within a school corporation shall
establish a safe school committee. The committee may be a
subcommittee of the committee that develops the strategic and
continuous school improvement and achievement plan under
IC 20-31-5.
(b) The department of education and the school corporation's
school safety specialist shall provide materials to assist a safe school
committee in developing a plan for the school that addresses the
following issues:
(1) Unsafe conditions, crime prevention, school violence,
bullying, and other issues that prevent the maintenance of a safe
(2) Professional development needs for faculty and staff to
implement methods that decrease problems identified under
subdivision (1).
(3) Methods to encourage:
(A) involvement by the community and students;
(B) development of relationships between students and
school faculty and staff; and
(C) use of problem solving teams.
(c) As a part of the plan developed under subsection (b), each safe
school committee shall provide a copy of the floor plans for each
building located on the school's property that clearly indicates each
exit, the interior rooms and hallways, and the location of any
hazardous materials located in the building to the law enforcement
agency and the fire department that have jurisdiction over the school.
As added by P.L.106-2005, SEC.3. Amended by P.L.1-2006, SEC.90;
P.L.132-2007, SEC.3.