IC 4-36-6
Chapter 6. Penalties
IC 4-36-6-1
Suspension or revocation of an endorsement or license
Sec. 1. (a) The commission may suspend or revoke the
endorsement or license of or levy a civil penalty against a licensee
for any of the following:
(1) Violation of a provision of this article or of a rule of the
(2) Failure to accurately account for type II gambling games.
(3) Failure to accurately account for sales proceeds from type
II gambling operations.
(4) Commission of a fraud, deceit, or misrepresentation.
(5) Conduct prejudicial to public confidence in the commission.
(b) If a violation is of a continuing nature, the commission may
impose a civil penalty on a licensee for each day the violation
As added by P.L.95-2008, SEC.13.
IC 4-36-6-2
Civil penalties
Sec. 2. The commission may impose on a licensee the following
civil penalties:
(1) Not more than one thousand dollars ($1,000) for the first
(2) Not more than two thousand five hundred dollars ($2,500)
for the second violation.
(3) Not more than five thousand dollars ($5,000) for each
additional violation.
As added by P.L.95-2008, SEC.13.
IC 4-36-6-3
Other authorized disciplinary actions
Sec. 3. In addition to the penalties described in section 2 of this
chapter, the commission may do all or any of the following:
(1) Suspend or revoke an endorsement or a license issued under
this article.
(2) Lengthen a period of suspension of an endorsement or a
license issued under this article.
(3) Impose an additional civil penalty of not more than one
hundred dollars ($100) for each day a civil penalty goes unpaid.
As added by P.L.95-2008, SEC.13.
IC 4-36-6-4
Violations of the article are Class A infractions unless specified
Sec. 4. Except as provided in section 5 of this chapter, a person
who violates this article commits a Class A infraction.
As added by P.L.95-2008, SEC.13.
IC 4-36-6-5
Class A misdemeanors
Sec. 5. A person who knowingly or intentionally:
(1) makes a false statement on an application submitted under
this article;
(2) operates a type II gambling operation in which wagering is
conducted or is to be conducted in a manner other than the
manner required under this article;
(3) permits a person less than twenty-one (21) years of age to
play a type II gambling game; or
(4) wagers or accepts a wager on a type II gambling game at a
location other than a retailer's licensed premises;
commits a Class A misdemeanor.
As added by P.L.95-2008, SEC.13.
IC 4-36-6-6
Deposit of civil penalties into the enforcement and administration
Sec. 6. The commission shall deposit all civil penalties collected
under this chapter into the enforcement and administration fund
established under IC 7.1-4-10.
As added by P.L.95-2008, SEC.13.