IC 4-31-2
Chapter 2. Definitions
IC 4-31-2-1
Application of definitions
Sec. 1. The definitions in this chapter apply throughout this
As added by P.L.341-1989(ss), SEC.2.
IC 4-31-2-2
"Breakage or breaks" defined
Sec. 2. "Breakage" or "breaks" means the odd cents of all
redistributions to be made on all mutuel contributions exceeding a
sum equal to the next lowest multiple of ten (10).
As added by P.L.341-1989(ss), SEC.2.
IC 4-31-2-2.2
"Bureau" defined
Sec. 2.2. "Bureau" refers to the child support bureau established
by IC 31-25-3-1.
As added by P.L.23-1996, SEC.1. Amended by P.L.145-2006, SEC.6.
IC 4-31-2-3
"Chemist" defined
Sec. 3. "Chemist" means an official racing chemist designated by
the commission.
As added by P.L.341-1989(ss), SEC.2.
IC 4-31-2-4
"Commission" defined
Sec. 4. "Commission" refers to the Indiana horse racing
As added by P.L.341-1989(ss), SEC.2.
IC 4-31-2-5
"Commission veterinarian" defined
Sec. 5. "Commission veterinarian" means a veterinarian properly
licensed in Indiana and designated as the commission veterinarian by
the commission.
As added by P.L.341-1989(ss), SEC.2.
IC 4-31-2-5.5
"Delinquent" defined
Sec. 5.5. "Delinquent" means at least:
(1) two thousand dollars ($2,000); or
(2) three (3) months;
past due on payment of court ordered child support.
As added by P.L.23-1996, SEC.2.
IC 4-31-2-6
"Exotic wagering" defined
Sec. 6. "Exotic wagering" means a system of betting or wagering
(1) is separate and distinct from the win, place, and show pools;
(2) is approved by the commission.
The term includes the daily double (and other wagers depending
upon results of more than one (1) race), quinella, perfecta, and
As added by P.L.341-1989(ss), SEC.2. Amended by P.L.24-1992,
IC 4-31-2-7
"Foreign substances" defined
Sec. 7. "Foreign substances" means all substances except those
that exist naturally in an untreated horse at normal physiological
concentration, and includes all narcotics, stimulants, depressants, or
other drugs or medications of any type.
As added by P.L.341-1989(ss), SEC.2.
IC 4-31-2-8
"Hypodermic injection" defined
Sec. 8. "Hypodermic injection" means an injection into or under
the skin or mucosa including intradermal injection, subcutaneous
injection, submucosal injection, intravenous injection, intra-arterial
injection, intra-articular injection, intrabursal injection, and
intraocular (intraconjunctival) injection.
As added by P.L.341-1989(ss), SEC.2.
IC 4-31-2-9
"License" defined
Sec. 9. "License" means a license issued by the commission under
IC 4-31-6.
As added by P.L.341-1989(ss), SEC.2.
IC 4-31-2-10
"Licensee" defined
Sec. 10. "Licensee" means an individual who has received a
license from the commission.
As added by P.L.341-1989(ss), SEC.2.
IC 4-31-2-10.1
"Outs" defined
Sec. 10.1. "Outs" means all pari-mutuel tickets unpresented or
unclaimed as of sixty (60) days after the conclusion of the calendar
year in which the ticket was purchased.
As added by P.L.24-1992, SEC.3.
IC 4-31-2-10.5
"Live racing day"
Sec. 10.5. "Live racing day" means a day on which at least eight
(8) live horse races are conducted.
As added by P.L.233-2007, SEC.2.
IC 4-31-2-11
"Owner" defined
Sec. 11. "Owner" includes part owner or lessee, but an interest in
the winnings of a horse does not of itself constitute ownership.
As added by P.L.341-1989(ss), SEC.2.
IC 4-31-2-12
"Pari-mutuel wagering" defined
Sec. 12. "Pari-mutuel wagering" means a system of wagering in
which those persons who wager on horses that finish in specified
positions share the total amount wagered, minus deductions
permitted by law.
As added by P.L.341-1989(ss), SEC.2.
IC 4-31-2-13
"Permit" defined
Sec. 13. "Permit" means a permit issued by the commission under
IC 4-31-5 to conduct a pari-mutuel wagering horse racing meeting in
As added by P.L.341-1989(ss), SEC.2.
IC 4-31-2-14
"Permit holder" defined
Sec. 14. "Permit holder" means a person that has received a permit
from the commission.
As added by P.L.341-1989(ss), SEC.2.
IC 4-31-2-15
"Person" defined
Sec. 15. "Person" includes an individual, a corporation, a trust, a
partnership, a limited liability company, a limited partnership, an
association, a person, or other entity.
As added by P.L.341-1989(ss), SEC.2. Amended by P.L.8-1993,
IC 4-31-2-16
"Person required to have a license" defined
Sec. 16. "Person required to have a license" means an individual
whose activities on a racetrack would require the person to be
As added by P.L.341-1989(ss), SEC.2.
IC 4-31-2-17
"Possession" or "in their possession" defined
Sec. 17. "Possession" or "in their possession" means:
(1) in, on, or about a licensee's person or a vehicle that the
licensee owns, uses, or has access to; and
(2) the entire area assigned to and occupied or used by a
licensee, including barns, stables, stalls, tack rooms, or feed
As added by P.L.341-1989(ss), SEC.2.
IC 4-31-2-18
"Race" defined
Sec. 18. "Race" means a contest of speed among horses:
(1) for a purse, stakes, premiums, wager of money, or for
admission fees;
(2) on a course; and
(3) in the presence of a judge or judges.
As added by P.L.341-1989(ss), SEC.2.
IC 4-31-2-19
"Racing meeting" defined
Sec. 19. "Racing meeting" means the period of time for which
permission to conduct horse racing has been granted to a permit
holder by the commission.
As added by P.L.341-1989(ss), SEC.2.
IC 4-31-2-20
"Recognized meeting" defined
Sec. 20. "Recognized meeting" means a horse racing meeting
conducting pari-mutuel wagering for which a permit has been issued
by the commission or by the racing authority of another state or
foreign country.
As added by P.L.341-1989(ss), SEC.2.
IC 4-31-2-20.5
"Satellite facility" defined
Sec. 20.5. "Satellite facility" means a location, other than a
racetrack, authorized by the commission at which pari-mutuel
wagering is conducted on horse racing conducted at distant locations
and viewable by televised simulcasting.
As added by P.L.24-1992, SEC.4.
IC 4-31-2-20.7
"Slot machine"
Sec. 20.7. "Slot machine" refers to a type of electronic gaming
device approved by the Indiana gaming commission for wagering
under IC 4-35.
As added by P.L.233-2007, SEC.3.
IC 4-31-2-21
"State testing barn" defined
Sec. 21. "State testing barn" means the facility provided by each
racetrack and approved by the commission as the location where all
horses designated for testing shall be taken by the trainer or the
trainer's representative immediately following a race so that
necessary blood or urine samples may be obtained from the horse.
As added by P.L.341-1989(ss), SEC.2.
IC 4-31-2-22
(Repealed by P.L.34-2006, SEC.3.)
IC 4-31-2-23
"Test sample" defined
Sec. 23. "Test sample" means a body substance taken from a horse
for the purpose of analysis, under the supervision of the commission
or state veterinarian and in the manner prescribed by the commission.
As added by P.L.341-1989(ss), SEC.2.
IC 4-31-2-24
"Veterinarian" defined
Sec. 24. "Veterinarian" means a veterinary practitioner who is:
(1) licensed to practice in Indiana; and
(2) authorized by the holder of a permit to practice at a
As added by P.L.341-1989(ss), SEC.2.
IC 4-31-2-25
"Winterized track" defined
Sec. 25. "Winterized track" means a track with:
(1) an enclosed clubhouse and grandstand;
(2) an all-weather racing track;
(3) heated facilities for jockeys or drivers;
(4) backstretch facilities that are properly prepared for winter
racing; and
(5) adequate snow removal equipment.
As added by P.L.341-1989(ss), SEC.2.