IC 4-3-22
Chapter 22. Office of Management and Budget
IC 4-3-22-1
Legislative findings
Sec. 1. The state will benefit from devoting adequate resources to
do the following:
(1) Gather and coordinate data in a timely manner.
(2) Perform comprehensive and detailed budgeting analysis.
(3) Put in place comprehensive and effective budgeting
(4) Coordinate all functions related to budgeting and controlling
spending in state government.
(5) Perform comprehensive and detailed financial analysis.
(6) Perform comprehensive financial oversight.
(7) Ensure that effective financial management policies are
implemented throughout state government.
(8) Perform comprehensive and detailed performance analysis.
(9) Ascertain whether the burdens imposed by laws and rules
are justified by their benefits using a rigorous cost benefit
(10) Measure the performance of government activities.
As added by P.L.246-2005, SEC.38.
IC 4-3-22-2
Sec. 2. As used in this chapter, "director" means the director of
the office of management and budget established by this chapter.
As added by P.L.246-2005, SEC.38.
IC 4-3-22-3
Establishment of office; director
Sec. 3. (a) To address the needs set forth in section 1 of this
chapter, there is established the office of management and budget,
which is referred to in this chapter as the "OMB".
(b) The OMB shall have a director who is the chief financial
officer of the state. The director shall report directly to the governor.
As added by P.L.246-2005, SEC.38.
IC 4-3-22-4
Responsibilities and authority of budget director
Sec. 4. The director is responsible and accountable for and has
authority over the following:
(1) All functions performed by the following:
(A) The budget agency.
(B) The department of state revenue.
(C) The department of local government finance.
(D) The Indiana finance authority.
The directors of these agencies, departments, and offices shall
report to the director and administer their offices and agencies
in compliance with the policies and procedures related to fiscal
management that are established by the OMB and approved by
the governor.
(2) All budgeting, accounting, and spending functions within
the various agencies, departments, and programs of state
As added by P.L.246-2005, SEC.38.
IC 4-3-22-5
OMB director as budget director
Sec. 5. The director may serve as the budget director of the budget
agency under IC 4-12-1-3 unless the governor appoints another
individual to serve as the budget director. If the director also serves
as the budget director, the director is not entitled to receive any
salary or other compensation as budget director.
As added by P.L.246-2005, SEC.38.
IC 4-3-22-6
Division of government efficiency and financial planning
Sec. 6. (a) The division of government efficiency and financial
planning is established within the OMB. The director shall appoint,
subject to the approval of the governor, a director of the division,
who serves at the pleasure of the director of OMB.
(b) The division shall conduct operational and procedural audits
of state government, perform financial planning, design and
implement efficiency projects, and carry out such other
responsibilities as may be designated by the director.
As added by P.L.246-2005, SEC.38.
IC 4-3-22-7
Duties; fiscal management
Sec. 7. The OMB shall assist the governor in the articulation,
development, and execution of the governor's policies and programs
on fiscal management.
As added by P.L.246-2005, SEC.38.
IC 4-3-22-8
Duties; review and development of policies and proposals
Sec. 8. The OMB shall assist and represent the governor in the
development and review of all policy, legislative, and rulemaking
proposals affecting capital budgeting, procurement, e-government,
and other matters related to fiscal management.
As added by P.L.246-2005, SEC.38.
IC 4-3-22-9
Duties; coordination of administrative policies
Sec. 9. The OMB shall harmonize agency views on legislation and
facilitate the negotiation of policy positions for the governor.
As added by P.L.246-2005, SEC.38.
IC 4-3-22-10
Duties; budget decision making and negotiations
Sec. 10. The OMB shall provide expertise to the governor for
budget decision making and negotiations.
As added by P.L.246-2005, SEC.38.
IC 4-3-22-11
Duties; analysis of budgets; trends
Sec. 11. The OMB shall analyze trends in and the consequences
of aggregate budget policy.
As added by P.L.246-2005, SEC.38.
IC 4-3-22-12
Duties; metrics for measuring performance and efficiency
Sec. 12. The OMB shall establish metrics for measuring state
government performance and efficiency.
As added by P.L.246-2005, SEC.38.
IC 4-3-22-13
Duties; cost benefit analysis for rules
Sec. 13. (a) The OMB shall perform a cost benefit analysis upon
each proposed rule and provide to:
(1) the governor; and
(2) the administrative rules oversight committee established
under IC 2-5-18;
an assessment of the rule's effect on Indiana business.
(b) After June 30, 2005, the cost benefit analysis performed by the
OMB under this section with respect to any proposed rule that has an
impact of at least five hundred thousand dollars ($500,000) shall
replace and be used for all purposes under IC 4-22-2 in lieu of the
fiscal analysis previously performed by the legislative services
agency under IC 4-22-2.
As added by P.L.246-2005, SEC.38.
IC 4-3-22-14
Agencies and instrumentalities; required compliance and
Sec. 14. All instrumentalities, agencies, authorities, boards,
commissions, and officers of the executive, including the
administrative, department of state government, and all bodies
corporate and politic established as instrumentalities of the state
(1) comply with the policies and procedures related to fiscal
management that are established by the OMB and approved by
the governor; and
(2) cooperate with and provide assistance to the OMB.
As added by P.L.246-2005, SEC.38.
IC 4-3-22-15
Agencies; accountability; compliance with statutory requirements
Sec. 15. All state agencies (as defined in IC 4-12-1-2) shall, in
addition to complying with all statutory duties applicable to state
purchasing, be accountable to the OMB for adherence to policies,
procedures, and spending controls established by the OMB and
approved by the governor.
As added by P.L.246-2005, SEC.38.
IC 4-3-22-16
Comments concerning proposed legislation
Sec. 16. (a) As used in this section, "coordinator" means the
(1) A small business regulatory coordinator (as defined in
IC 4-22-2-28.1(b)).
(2) An ombudsman designated under IC 13-28-3-2.
(3) An ombudsman designated under IC 5-28-17-5.
(b) Each coordinator may review proposed legislation affecting
the small businesses that are regulated by the agency or that would
be regulated by the agency under proposed legislation. A coordinator
may submit to the OMB written comments concerning the impact of
proposed legislation on small business.
(c) The OMB may review comments received under subsection
(b). The OMB may amend the comments. After completing its
review, the OMB shall transmit the comments to the legislative
services agency for posting on the general assembly's web site. The
comments submitted under this section shall be transmitted
electronically in a format suitable for posting to the general
assembly's web site as determined by the legislative services agency.
As added by P.L.137-2006, SEC.2. Amended by P.L.110-2010,