IC 36-1-18
     Chapter 18. Donations to a State University From a Political Subdivision

IC 36-1-18-1
Sec. 1. This chapter applies to a county, city, town, or township in which a state educational institution is located whenever:
        (1) at least:
            (A) fifty (50) freeholders and taxpayers of the political subdivision, if the political subdivision is a county; or
            (B) twenty-five (25) freeholders of the political subdivision, if the political subdivision is a city, town, or township;
        petition the legislative body of the political subdivision to make a donation to a state educational institution that is located in the political subdivision;
        (2) the donation proposed in the petition does not exceed:
            (A) twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000), if the petition is made to a county or city; or
            (B) ten thousand dollars ($10,000), if the petition is made to a township or town; and
        (3) neither the political subdivision nor any other political subdivision in the same county has made another donation to the state educational institution under this chapter, IC 21-7-1 (before its repeal), or Acts 1897, c.39, s.2 (before its repeal).
As added by P.L.2-2007, SEC.381.

IC 36-1-18-2
Donation by political subdivision; ordinance or resolution required
Sec. 2. The legislative body of a political subdivision may adopt:
        (1) an ordinance, if the political subdivision is a county, city, or town; or
        (2) a resolution, if the political subdivision is a township;
to make a donation to a state educational institution located in the political subdivision. The amount of the donation may not exceed the amount named in the petition submitted to the political subdivision under this chapter.
As added by P.L.2-2007, SEC.381.

IC 36-1-18-3
Warrant for donation
Sec. 3. An ordinance or resolution under this chapter is sufficient justification for the proper officer to draw a warrant and pay the donation authorized by the political subdivision's legislative body.
As added by P.L.2-2007, SEC.381.

IC 36-1-18-4
Terms and conditions
Sec. 4. The legislative body making a donation under this chapter may make all proper agreements with a state educational institution

with reference to the purpose for which the donation must be used. The terms and conditions under which the money is donated, when made and accepted, are binding on the state educational institution accepting the donation.
As added by P.L.2-2007, SEC.381.