IC 34-8-2
Chapter 2. Indiana Rules of Trial Procedure
IC 34-8-2-1
Supreme court; power to adopt, amend, and rescind procedural
rules reaffirmed
Sec. 1. The general assembly of the state of Indiana affirms the
inherent power of the supreme court of Indiana to adopt, amend, and
rescind rules of court affecting matters of procedure, and the general
assembly reaffirms the power given to the supreme court to adopt,
amend, and rescind rules of court, including the rules of court
adopted in this chapter, as set forth by IC 34-8-1-1. However, the
power of the supreme court to adopt, amend, and rescind rules of
court does not preclude the creation, by statute, of alternatives to the
change of venue.
As added by P.L.1-1998, SEC.3.
IC 34-8-2-2
Adoption and incorporation of rules of trial procedure
Sec. 2. The general assembly adopts, and incorporates into the
Indiana Code, the Indiana rules of trial procedure:
(1) as enacted by the general assembly in Acts 1969, c.191, s.1,
and amended by P.L.319-1975, SECTION 1; and
(2) as accepted by the Indiana supreme court as being in effect
on December 31, 1983.
As added by P.L.1-1998, SEC.3.