IC 34-57-4
Chapter 4. Alternative Dispute Resolution
IC 34-57-4-1
Applicability of chapter
Sec. 1. This chapter applies to a civil action that is referred by a
court to a dispute resolution center under rules adopted by the chief
justice of Indiana under IC 34-57-3 (or IC 34-4-2.5 before its repeal)
for alternative dispute resolution after the civil action was filed in the
As added by P.L.1-1998, SEC.53.
IC 34-57-4-2
Matters covered by supreme court rules excluded
Sec. 2. This chapter does not apply to matters covered by the
Indiana Supreme Court Rules for Alternative Dispute Resolution.
As added by P.L.1-1998, SEC.53.
IC 34-57-4-3
Court referral of civil action to dispute resolution center;
suspension effect
Sec. 3. When a civil action is referred to a dispute resolution
center under section 1 of this chapter, the court shall, except as
otherwise provided under the rules adopted under IC 34-57-3 (or
IC 34-4-2.5 before its repeal), suspend action on the case until the
written agreement or decision from the dispute resolution center is
submitted to the court under IC 34-57-3-4(6).
As added by P.L.1-1998, SEC.53.