IC 32-19-2
Chapter 2. Coordinates; Geodetic Control Monuments
IC 32-19-2-1
Positions expressed by x-coordinate and y-coordinate
Sec. 1. (a) The plane coordinates of a point on the earth's surface,
used to express the position or location of that point in the
appropriate zone of the Indiana coordinate system described in
IC 32-19-1, must consist of two (2) distances expressed in:
(1) U.S. Survey feet (1 meter = 39.37/12 feet) and decimals of
a foot when using the Indiana coordinate system of 1927; and
(2) meters and decimals of a meter and United States Survey
feet and decimals of a foot when using the Indiana coordinate
system of 1983.
(b) The distance described in subsection (a) that gives the position
in an east-and-west direction is called the "x-coordinate". The
distance described in subsection (a) that gives the position in a
north-and-south direction is called the "y-coordinate". These
coordinates must be made to depend upon and conform to plane
rectangular coordinate values for the monumented points of the
North American Horizontal Geodetic Control Network as published
by the National Ocean Survey/National Geodetic Survey or its
successors, if the successor's plane coordinates have been computed
on the Indiana coordinate system of 1927 or the Indiana coordinate
system of 1983. Any station may be used for establishing a survey
connection to the Indiana coordinate system of 1927 or the Indiana
coordinate system of 1983.
As added by P.L.2-2002, SEC.4.
IC 32-19-2-2
Coordinates; reporting requirements
Sec. 2. (a) Coordinates based on the Indiana coordinate system of
1927 or the Indiana coordinate system of 1983 purporting to define
the position of a point on a land boundary may not be presented to be
recorded in any public land records or deed records unless the
recording document also contains:
(1) a description of the nearest first-order or second-order
horizontal geodetic control monument from which the
coordinates being recorded were determined; and
(2) the method of survey for the determination.
(b) If the position of the described first-order or second-order
geodetic control monument is not published by the National Geodetic
Survey (or its successors), the recording document must contain a
certification signed by a land surveyor registered under IC 25-21.5
stating that the subject control monument and its coordinates were
established and determined in conformance with the specifications
given in IC 32-19-1-3.
(c) The publishing of the existing control stations or the
acceptance with intent to publish the newly established control
stations by the National Geodetic Survey constitutes evidence of
adherence to the FGCC specifications. Horizontal geodetic control
monuments shall be permanently monumented and control data
sheets prepared and filed so that a densification of the control
network is accomplished.
(d) The surveying techniques and positioning systems used to
produce first-order or second-order geodetic precision shall be
identified. Annotation must accompany state plane coordinate values
when they are used to less than second-order precision.
As added by P.L.2-2002, SEC.4.