IC 31-31-5
Chapter 5. Juvenile Court Probation Officers
IC 31-31-5-1
Appointment of probation officers and other employees
Sec. 1. The judge of the juvenile court shall appoint a chief
probation officer and may appoint other probation officers and an
appropriate number of other employees to assist the probation
As added by P.L.1-1997, SEC.14.
IC 31-31-5-2
Compensation; travel expenses
Sec. 2. (a) The salary of a probation officer shall be fixed by the
county fiscal body in accordance with the salary schedule adopted by
the county fiscal body under IC 36-2-16.5. The salary of a probation
officer shall be paid by the county.
(b) Subject to the approval of the county fiscal body, the judge
shall fix and the county shall pay the salaries of juvenile court
employees other than probation officers.
(c) In addition to their annual salary, probation officers shall be
reimbursed for any necessary travel expenses incurred in the
performance of their duties in accordance with the law governing
state officers and employees.
As added by P.L.1-1997, SEC.14. Amended by P.L.277-2003, SEC.3.
IC 31-31-5-3
Duties of chief probation officer
Sec. 3. The chief probation officer, under the direction of the
juvenile court, shall supervise the work of the probation department.
As added by P.L.1-1997, SEC.14.
IC 31-31-5-4
Duties of probation officers
Sec. 4. A probation officer shall, for the purpose of carrying out
the juvenile law:
(1) conduct such investigations and prepare such reports and
recommendations as the court directs and keep a written record
of those investigations, reports, and recommendations;
(2) receive and examine complaints and allegations concerning
matters covered by the juvenile law and make preliminary
inquiries and investigations;
(3) implement informal adjustments;
(4) prepare and submit the predisposition report required for a
dispositional hearing under the juvenile law;
(5) supervise and assist by all suitable methods a child placed
on probation or in the probation officer's care by order of the
court or other legal authority;
(6) keep complete records of the probation officer's work and
comply with any order of the court concerning the collection,
protection, and distribution of any money or other property
coming into the probation officer's hands; and
(7) perform such other functions as are designated by the
juvenile law or by the court in accordance with the juvenile law.
As added by P.L.1-1997, SEC.14.
IC 31-31-5-5
Enforcement powers
Sec. 5. Except for carrying a handgun as authorized under
IC 11-13-1-3.5, a probation officer does not have the powers of a law
enforcement officer.
As added by P.L.1-1997, SEC.14. Amended by P.L.45-2001, SEC.4.